Barstool Chicago Worst Parts of Christmas Draft Grades

Round 1 Pick 1: Christmas Mass, Dave

I don't hate going to mass on Christmas Eve. It isn't my favorite thing to do, but it definitely is not the WORST thing about the season. I just think the worst part is seeing the people who are never in church get all of the nice seats because they have to show up to everyone else. 

Grade: D

Round 1 Pick 2: The End, KFC

Great pick! We all love Christmas and New Year's Eve/Day, but we hate when it ends! That week is one of the best weeks of the year if not the best! So when it ends and we have to go back to the real world, it truly does stink.

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 3: Travel, Chief

Yeah, this is a strong pick. All of my family lives within half an hour, so we've never had to travel for Christmas. But I can imagine doing so would absolutely suck. 

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 4: Spending Money, Large

Yup. A few years ago is when I started having to really get gifts for my family members and man it sucks. Like I don't mind giving gifts, but man it puts a dent in the wallet. The problem is not wanting to spend too much but not also wanting to look cheap. But, you gotta make it work. 

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 5: Jammed Parking Lots, Eddie

Yeah, jammed parking lots sucks but this doesn't feel like something unique to the Christmas season. Parking lots always suck. I guess stores are usually busier around this time of year, but just not the worst problem imaginable. 

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 1: Crowded Stores, Eddie

This is another meh pick and honestly just the same problem as the jammed parking lots. I felt like this was very weird to pick back-to-back because they are essentially the same thing. 

Grade: B-

Round 2 Pick 2: Fruit Cakes, Large

Why do they still make these things? Every year it seems like fewer and fewer people buy them. Nobdoy likes them and they are just there for traditions sake. I get it, traditions are important, but maybe not this one. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 3: Getting Fat, Chief

I'm going to throw a challenge flag on this. It is completely fine to get fat around the holidays. It is a bit annoying, but we are all doing it together. Just make sure to pace yourself between Christmas and New Year and everything should be fine. Besides, we all need a New Year's Resolution. 

Grade: C

Round 2 Pick 4: Hosting, KFC

It isn't the hosting that stinks, but it is the lead-up to hosting that stinks. Getting the house ready, coordinating the food, having to always "be on" when people are here. It can become stressful. 

Grade: B+

Round 2 Pick 5: Dealing with Family, Dave

Yeah, family can be more annoying around Christmas than other holidays. I think it is the added aspect of money that makes it more volatile. If you have a bad gift-giving part of the family, they can be incredibly annoying. Also you just have the annoying political talks that you do at every holiday. Great pick from Dave. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 1: 12 Days of Christmas, Dave

I get that some people don't love the song, but I don't think it is one of the 25 worst things of the season. Also, I don't hate the song at all.

Grade: C

Round 3 Pick 2: Elf on the Shelf, KFC

Meh this is a bad pick. Elf on the Shelf if a nice tradition. I think it is something fun you can do with young children to keep them behaving for a month. Also, I never had one as a kid which I thought sucked. 

Grade: C

Round 3 Pick 3: Gifts Wrapped in Plastic, Chief

Very annoying. When you were young and got a toy you really wanted to play with, the most annoying thing was all of the assembly and getting it out of the box. It would take hours.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 4: Assembling Kids Toys, Large

Honestly a lot of the stuff from the last pick applies to this, but you have to add in secrecy. Imagine having to assemble and wrap toys descretly for years. Being a parent is gonna be tough lol. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 5: Wacky Gift Games, Eddie

Terrible pick! I like doing some games at the family Christmas party. I mean can we have a bit of fun every once in a while? It isn't my favorite thing, but I certainly don't hate it. 

Grade: C

Round 4 Pick 1: Decoration Shamers, Eddie

Back-to-back terrible picks. You gotta put decorations up if you celebrate. At least put up a small tree and some lights. I get not going all out when you live by yourself, but have a little fun.

Grade: D

Round 4 Pick 2: Non-Green Trees, Large

An absolutely great pick from Large here. If you don't have a green Christmas tree, you care way more about looking nice for your friends than you care about actually celebrating the holiday. Keep the traditional green tree and decorate it nicely. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 3: Family Pictures, Chief

Pretty annoying. Especially if you are a family that would go to a photographer or something to get it done. If you could just take a picture and have it settled, not bad, but if you had to get dressed up and go out, it is simply unbearable. 

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 4: Christmas Tree Shaming, KFC

KFC is pretty spot on here. Colored lights and cozy decorations are better than the shitty minimalist decorations that millennials like. Also stop hating on fake trees, they just make practical sense. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 5: Cold Weather, Dave

A swing and a miss. This is literally the only time of the year that I want it to be cold. 

Grade: F

Round 5 Pick 1: Last Minute Gifts, Dave

I understand this but it also isn't a problem with the holidays rather a problem with yourself. I know pretty much everyone does this, but having a problem with procrastinating is more of a personal one.

Grade: C

Round 5 Pick 2: Work Gift Swap, KFC

Solid pick. I've never had this problem as I've never worked a corporate job, but everyone knows the feeling of having to get a gift for someone you really don't know that well. You just end up giving something super safe and lame. 

Grade: B+

Round 5 Pick 3: Gift Giving Anxiety, Chief

A bit similar to the last one I suppose, but different enough. It sucks not knowing what to give someone, especially when it comes to price, thoughtfulness, having to match what they got, etc. I always struggle figuring out what to get my parents and I don't just want to give them something generic. It is a pretty annoying thing that we don't really have to deal with any other time of the year. 

Grade: B+

Round 5 Pick 4: Bad Family Cooking, Large

I feel like the family cooking is usually good, but if you get some bad cooking it does really suck. I feel like I always have a few cousins or aunts that bring terrible sides, which sucks. 

Grade: B

Round 5 Pick 5: Egg Nog, Eddie

Nope, Egg Nog is good.

Grade: D

This feels like Large has a really good draft here. Very good picks, which makes sense. He's the oldest, he knows Christmas best. 

Predicted Winner: Large


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