Barstool Chicago Redhead Draft Grades

Round 1 Pick 1: Ron Weasley, Mook

I don't love this pick. I think that Ron has a place in this draft, but probably should not have been first overall. There are plenty of legendary redheads and I do not think that Weasley is the best one. 

Grade: B+

Round 1 Pick 2: Yosemite Sam, Eddie

I think this is a great pick from Eddie. He is a great cartoon character and it feels like someone most people recognize. Unfortunately, I think he is becoming less popular over time just because Looney Toons is becoming less popular. 

Grade: A-

Round 1 Pick 3: Willie Nelson, Chief 

So I don't hate Willie Nelson, but I honestly don't even think of him as a redhead. He has been old for so long that I just don't think people remember what he looks like without white hair. I think this hurts Chief as some may simply be surprised to find out he has red hair.

Grade: D-

Round 1 Pick 4: Prince Harry, Chaps

Well, this is a bad pick. I feel like people generally dislike Prince Harry at this point. They even made the whole South Park episode about him and Meghan Markle being annoying. Overall it feels like a weird pick when there are so many available. 

Grade: D

Round 1 Pick 5: Tormund, Dave

I think Tormund is a solid pick but taken a bit early. He is a great character but he isn't in the top twenty-most popular Game of Thrones characters. Overall, a good pick but taken a bit too early. 

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 1: April O'Neil, Dave

I've never watched TMNT, but the pick seems fine. If anything it does seem to be taken a bit early because there are quite a few heavy hitting redheads left on the board. 

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 2: Lindsay Lohan, Chaps

Great pick. She probably could have been a first-round selection. Although she has been out of the spotlight for a while, her run in the early 2000s will always remain undefeated. Just a terrific actress and a great redhead. 

Grade: A+

Round 2 Pick 3: Jessica Rabbit, Chief

A solid pick from Chief. This is many people's cartoon crush and who can blame them? But let's be real, kind of weird that they did that right? Like why did they make a cartoon hot? It is just something I will never understand. Nevertheless, it was a great pick from Chief. It should play well in the graphic. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 4: Molly Ringwald, Eddie

Great pick from Eddie here. She absolutely ran the 80s. She was in every great high school movie and frankly, I wish this was a genre that came back. Overall, I like the pick and she is a great actress. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 5: Murdaugh Family, Mook

Holy cow what an absolutely incredible pick from Mook. I mean obviously, they are insane people, but it is so out there that it becomes an incredible pick. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 1: Carl Wheezer, Mook

Back-to-back absolute heavyweight picks. Total opposite end of the spectrum from the Murdaugh family. Carl Wheezer was an incredible character. He is so funny and his memes are some of the best. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 2: Chuckie Finster, Eddie

Best character on Rugrats. He was an elite character from an elite show. Great pick.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 3: Shaun White, Chief

I'm actually shocked that he took this long to be selected. I think Shaun White was probably worthy of a first-round selection. He is super famous and has a great nickname; the Flying Tomato. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 4: O'Doyle Family, Chaps

This is a decent pick, but I think it is taken a bit too early. If this was the fifth round, I would have said it was a great pick. But they aren't main characters, so they should have been taken earlier. 

Grade: B-

Round 3 Pick 5: Ed Sheeran, Dave

I like the pick. Ed Sheeran is so underrated to me. He is a great singer/songwriter and he seems like a funny person. Just a great pick for Dave and I think it is a solid pick in the third round. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 1: Conan O'Brien, Dave

How did Conan fall this far in the draft? He is by far the best late-night comedian around. He is great and this is such a quality pick-up this late into the draft.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 2: Vincent Van Gogh, Chaps

Meh, not my favorite pick. As far as painters go he is in the top five most famous. But, I felt like Chaps could have been a bit more creative. Will Van Gogh really sway people to vote for him? Probably not.

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 3: Dick Winters, Chief

I've never seen Band of Brothers so it is a bit hard to grade this pick. However, all of the characters from that show seem like badasses. However Winters' hair doesn't seem super red IMO. Anyways can't grade a troop too harshly. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 4: Amy Adams, Eddie

I agree with Chief on this one, I don't think of Amy Adams as being attractive before being an actress. Which I think is actually a testament to her. Anyways, a good pick from Eddie as I think a lot of people like Amy Adams. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 5: Bad Luck Brian, Mook

This was literally my favorite meme in sixth grade. It was just so funny to me. So, I absolutely have to give this a good grade. 

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 1: Dexter, Mook

Dexter's laboratory was never my favorite show as a kid, but I respect the pick. It was very popular for people just a bit older than me. But I still appreciate its greatness. 

Grade: B

Round 5 Pick 2: Seth Green, Eddie

I'm in the same boat as Mook, Seth Green's Entourage character just makes me hate him. I just have a negative connotation around his name, even if he is funny. 

Grade: C

Round 5 Pick 3: Isla Fisher, Chief

Solid pick from Chief. She's a good actress and attractive, but her biggest accomplishment has to be that she's married to Sacha Baron Cohen. I mean that is just an absolute win for her.

Grade: B

Round 5 Pick 4: Reba, Chaps

I like the pick. Reba is a great singer and a very iconic redhead. I think this was a good round to pick her in as well.

Grade: B+

Round 5 Pick 5: Sansa Stark, Dave

Feels weird to take two Game of Thrones characters in one draft, but this is a solid pick for Mr. (Mrs.???) Irrelevant. She was an incredible character in the show, probably in my top five. Very good value in the last round. 

Grade: A

This feels like a runaway for Mook. He has some very good picks even with the trip out of the gate with Weasley. 

Predicted Winner: Mook


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