Barstool Chicago Unwritten Rules Draft Grades


Best Pick: Don't Propose at a Wedding

This is a tremendous pick, especially in the second round. I think it is so rude and tacky to propose at a wedding. It is taking the spotlight away from someone else and basically saying you are more important than them. 

Worst Pick: Oldest Son Does Lawn Work

IDK what Dave is talking about, every kid is doing lawn work. I guess I had a big yard growing up so it made sense to split it up. But, both my brother and I were helping my dad in the yard. 

Grade: A


Best Pick: Hold the Door for Women

Yup. I would even extend this to hold the door for anyone. If you don't, you are just incredibly rude. But yeah if you are a guy, you gotta open and hold the door, that's just how society is supposed to be. 

Worst Pick: Cover Plate at Wedding

I think this is terrible as a rule. These are your guests and they should not be expected to make up your expenses. If you choose to have a very expensive wedding, that is your fault and you have to deal with the consequences. 

Grade: B-

Nicky Smokes

Best Pick: Don't Fight a Guy with Cauliflower Ear

Yup, never do this. You got a trip to the hospital waiting for you. 

Worst Pick: If your dog poops on grass you can leave it?

No? WTF? That is just an all-time scumbag move. Holy cow. This man should honestly be arrested for this. 

Grade: C-


Best Pick: Must Tell Someone They are on Speaker Phone

Great pull. Not his best pick overall, but the best value in the third round. So many problems have come up as a result of someone not being told they are on speaker. It is just something you have to do every time. 

Worst Pick: Offer the Lawn Care People a Water

This isn't a bad pick just the worst one. I think you should offer them water, but realistically they should be bringing their own.

Grade: A+


Best Pick: Can't Root for Two Teams

Yup. It doesn't make sense to root for two teams. A person can't put emotion into multiple teams. It's like having two quarterbacks, then you don't have one. 

Worst Pick: No Talking with Others on Planes

What? You are absolutely allowed to have conversations with the people on the plane. Especially if it is a very long flight. I get if we are on a little jump, just don't bother anyone. But you can talk to people on planes and it should frankly be encouraged. We need more person-to-person interactions. 

Grade: A-

Eddie takes it this week, I don't think he has one bad pick if we are being honest. 

Predicted Winner: Eddie


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