Barstool Chicago Age Draft Grades

Round 1 Pick 1: 14, Dave

Oh my goodness what an awful first pick. Freshman year of high school is your best age? How? I mean there are certainly worse picks but this is rough. I guess the pros are having no responsibilities. But when you are 14 you have no money, no way to drive, and you're still a weird teenager. Bad pick.

Grade: D

Round 1 Pick 2: 11, Chief

This is also a pick that I don't think is amazing. I think it is fine, but not worth number two overall. When you're 11, you have a general innocence about the world. You basically just play with your friends and go to school. So I think this is okay, but man it is not a great pick. 

Grade: C

Round 1 Pick 3: 18, Danny

Now this is a good pick. When you are 18 you have little responsibility, but a lot more freedom. It is your senior year of high school and your freshman year of college, which is a great time in everyone's life. I think this could have been first overall. 

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 4: 12, Eddie

Not much to differentiate this from 11 if we are being honest. I guess when you are 12, you are in middle school, which is marginally worse. 

Grade: C-

Round 2 Pick 1: 16, Eddie

This is a solid pick. It is very similar to 18, but it is slightly worse. While you do have fewer responsibilities people respect you a lot less when you are 16. You are still a child and people will treat you as such. You do get to drive for the first time, which is cool. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 2: 21, Danny

Probably time to end the draft here, this is a runaway. 21 is the year everyone looks forward to. You are a junior or senior in college, so it is the last sendoff before the real world. You probably have a little bit of money by now. Not a ton, but some saved up from working, which is nice. You get to hang out with your friends and you are incredibly free. A very good pick. 

Grade: A+

Round 2 Pick 3: 30, Chief

A bit tougher as this is the first age on the board that I have never been. But I think 30 is solid. There are two kinds of thirty. One is you have a wife (or husband for the five women who read this) and kids, a job, a house, etc. Everything is good. Or, you have a good job and tons of free time, so what's not to love. While there is obviously some nuance to that, those are the general lives people have at thirty. So either way, I see this as pretty good.

Grade: A-

Round 2 Pick 4: 28, Dave

Very similar to being thirty, so this really tests your values. Do you value youth or stability? A good amount of people are either recently married or unmarried at 28, but they typically don't have kids. So you have some life stability without yet having a kid. You get a bit more youthful energy, which is nice. Overall a strong age. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 1: 100, Dave

I don't hate this pick at all. Being old stinks, but living to 100 would be pretty sweet. It is the ultimate milestone. I don't think your quality of life would be awesome, but it would be cool to do.

Grade: A-

Round 3 Pick 2: 70, Chief

Not a bad pick, but not the greatest. At 70, you've likely been retired for five years or more, so you have all the free time in the world. You also likely have grandchildren, which is cool. But, everyone says getting old sucks, so there is that.

Grade: B+

Round 3 Pick 3: 7, Danny

Damn, he was on pace for a runaway, but he keeps it interesting. 7 is not a bad year by any stretch of the imagination, but it isn't the best. At this age, you are squarely a child. You don't pick what you eat, you barely pick what you do, you have to ask permission for everything, and you can't fend for yourself. However, this is when you are likely making some of your best friends for life, which is cool. Also, you have basically no responsibilities at all, which rules. 

Grade: B

Round 3 Pick 4: 22, Eddie

Currently, I am 21, I'll be 22 in a few months. So, I'll let you all know how it is first-hand. Anyway, I think there are a few massive pros and cons for this. First, it is your senior year of college. So it is the last year of being in school before the real world. This can be good or bad based on your perspective. Second, you have a ton of freedom with no job. However, this year can be one of the most stressful. If you don't have a job lined up, it can make being 22 hell.

Grade: A-

A shorter draft today which meant less room to mess up. I personally think Danny has two great picks. If he doesn't win, I'd be a bit surprised. If not him, it is probably Ed.

Predicted Winner: Danny


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