5 Tips for College Freshman

I just started my senior year of college a little over a week ago and I felt like giving some advice to everyone who is just starting out. It can be intimidating living by yourself for the first time, but it is an experience you will certainly never forget. Also, you will certainly find friends for life. 

1. Talk to People

I know that this seems like something obvious but so many kids are just nervous to talk to people, myself included. In your first week, introduce yourself to anyone that looks like they could be friendly. 

This can be in class, in your dorm, or wherever. Everyone else is also looking for friends and you never know when you can find a friend for life. 

2. Never Buy a Textbook

New textbooks cost hundreds of dollars for no reason whatsoever. You can find them online for free as PDFs or if you prefer a real book, just rent them on Amazon. It will save you or your parents some money. 

3. Try to Meet Kids from a Different State

This may sound like a weird piece of advice, but trust me it is way cooler to try and meet people who are out-of-state. I go to Maryland, so we have a ton of kids from Virginia, New Jersey, and New York. It is very cool to meet people who have very different upbringings. Also, you never know when you may need a place to crash in a different state. 

4. Learn a Few Easy Recipes

After a month, the dining hall food will start to suck. If you can find a few easy recipes that you can make in your dorm or apartment, it will go a long way in stopping you from food boredom. 

5. Be Interested in Sports

I get it, sports aren't for everyone. But if you show up as a freshman at an SEC or Big Ten school and say "I'm not a football fan" you will get weird looks. So just try to have a general interest in your team's best sport and you will have a great conversation starter. Even if you aren't a super fan, going to games is just a fun experience. 

Overall, I think one more general piece of advice is to be open to trying new things. Don't go outside of your comfort zone, but say yes more than no. It can give you an experience you may never forget. 


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