Barstool Chicago Months Draft Grades

Round 1 Pick 1: March, White Sox Dave

There are some really good parts about March and there are some really terrible aspects of the month. I like St. Patrick's Day, I love March Madness, and I love baseball. However, other than those few days, it is very meh. 

Grade: C+

Round 1 Pick 2: October, Chief

I was reading comments and most people thought October was the consensus first pick, but I don't agree. Obviously, we have football, which I love. But, Halloween is a complete non-starter for me. I think Halloween is overrated. It is alright, but not my favorite holiday. With that being said it is a strong month for sports and pretty good weather.

Grade: A-

Round 1 Pick 3: July, Eddie

Very strong pick from Eddie. July is the best month in the best season. I get it, I still have off all summer, so I am biased, but I think I will love July my whole life. I love the hot weather, the Fourth of July, cookouts, the beach, and being outside. July has all of this and it is great.

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 4: June, Danny

June is July's sad cousin. No holiday in June that people really care about (sorry Father's day) and not very exciting sports. We get the Stanley Cup and NBA finals, but meh. The best part about June is the weather. The beginning of the month is just warm enough to be comfortable without being too hot. Plus it is the summer and who doesn't love summer?

Grade: A-

Round 2 Pick 1: December, Danny

This is my first overall. I think this is by far the best month of the year. It is essentially one long holiday. You are always busy and happy. You're baking cookies, decorating, going shopping, seeing family, watching football, going to parties, and being merry. It is awesome.

Grade: A+

Round 2 Pick 2: September, Eddie

This is another solid pick. You get the start of football season, labor day, and nice weather. However, it is the end of summer, which kind of stinks. I like September but it always feels like a letdown because the warmth is ending and fall is starting. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 3: May, Chief

May is a little overrated. Memorial Day is nice but a little bit overhyped. The weather is typically not as nice as we want. Also, Cinco De Mayo is a nothing holiday, it is just a night at the bar where people drink margaritas or Corona, it's a wannabe St. Patrick's Day.

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 4: November, Dave

Great pick, November could've been a first-round pick. Thanksgiving is the second best holiday and we get the start of the Christmas season. We have football, bonfires, nice weather, and the end of baseball. It is a great month. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 1: April, Dave

Bro passed up on Summer and the Super Bowl for April??? Huh? April is the worst month in my opinion. It is too cold to be fun and it is too warm for you to bundle up. You typically get Easter, which is one of the lamer holidays. There isn't a whole lot going for April.

Grade: D

Round 3 Pick 2: August, Chief

I have to acknowledge that there are a lot of good grades in this draft based on value and draft position. Getting a summer month in the last round is a great pick-up. However, there is something to be said that nothing happens in August. It is summer but the end of summer with nothing. 

Grade: B+

Round 3 Pick 3: February, Eddie

So we have the Super Bowl. If it didn't exist, February would be the worst month. Weather sucks, it's boring, and you are in the "dog days" of Winter if you will. 

Grade: C

Round 3 Pick 4: January, Danny

January ain't too bad, definitely not the worst month for me. You get NFL playoffs, you still have some Christmas feelings for the first few weeks, and you are excited for the new year. However, it is a month that takes forever to go by, especially after December which is maybe the quickest month. 

Grade: B-

This is a difficult one for me, they are very similar drafts besides Dave who is obviously last lol. I think Danny has a great draft besides January, which is not the worst pick. I think Chief will win although I personally don't love all of the picks. People seem to love October and May and I think they are just fine months. 

Predicted Winner: Chief

Predicted Loser: Dave 


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