Barstool Chicago TV Channels Draft Grades


Best Pick: FOX

How did this last until the fifth round?! Football, MLB playoffs, Family Guy, the Simpsons. Tremendous value pick from Dave. 

Worst Pick: History Channel

I like the pick, but no way in hell should it have been a second-round pick. Just crazy.

Grade: B+


Best Pick: Comedy Central

Good pick. You get some quality shows, although now it is mainly just South Park and The Office. But honestly, I love those two shows so I'll take it.

Worst Pick: MTV

MTV sucks now, bad pick. It was once great, but now it is awful. I understand you have to respect what it once was, but it is so unbelievably bad now, you can't take it in the first round. 

Grade: C


Best Pick: ESPN

Yup, pretty obvious pick. It isn't as good as it once was, but having something that is all sports will always play. 

Worst Pick: Amazon Prime

Honestly, I think the only redeeming quality about Prime is Thursday Night Football. I don't really like any original content from the service and the things they have the rights to are just ok. Also if you don't have the full version, you have to pay for stuff. 

Grade: B-


Best Pick: Red Zone

I personally would not have counted this if I was in the draft, but they counted it so I have to grade it. A tremendous pick and very outside of the box. I think this one wins the draft. 

Worst Pick: Spice Channel

I mean this is such a niche one that I feel a lot of people voting would not have seen it, including myself lol. 

Grade: A


Best Pick: CBS

I don't think CBS necessarily has the best content besides sports, but getting it so late in the draft is a huge win for Eddie. 

Worst Pick: Food Network

I am fine with the channel, but I felt it was a bit overdrafted. I would have waited to see if I could have gotten it in the fifth because I don't feel like it is that valuable to have on the draft board. 

Grade: A

We are gonna have a battle between Clem and Eddie this week. They both have tremendous picks. But the combo of Red Zone and Disney+ indicates that Clem will be taking it home this week.

Predicted Winner: Clem


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