Barstool Chicago Flying Draft Grades


Best Pick: First Class Upgrade

Who doesn't love getting bumped to first class? It is a luxury I have not gotten but hope to get someday. Strong pick, but probably would not have been my first overall choice. 

Worst Pick: Pilot who makes too many announcements

I'll admit it I don't fly a lot, maybe once or twice a year, but I have never once had this problem. There are so many things annoying about flying that this didn't really need to be drafted. 

Grade: B


Best Pick: Newark Airport

I've never flown out of Newark, but I have picked people up from Newark. It is HELL. You drive in circles and everything is labeled wrong and it is hard to get in and out of and it's crowded. Literally Hell on Earth. 

Worst Pick: Cheez-It

The pick is fine, all of his picks are strong to me. My only thing bad about a cheez-it is the fact that it gets stuck in your teeth for a flight.

Grade: A+


Best Pick: Southwest

Good value in the fourth round. It is not the most glamorous airline, but for flights under three hours, it is amazing. It's super cheap, you get two checked bags, the crew is always friendly, and you don't get the Spirt/Frontier/Allegiant gremlins. 

Worst Pick: Live TV

Eh. Unless a big sporting event is going on, why do I care? I would much rather watch something I downloaded from Netflix. 

Grade: B+

Person 4

Best Pick: Stroop waffle

Honestly, I didn't think many of his picks were good. (Hot take: I don't care about people trying to rush off the plane, so that's why this isn't here.) I like a stroop waffle and it does give flying vibes, but I just didn't know what else to put. I've never been to the Orlando airport, so it felt weird judging it. Not a great draft from Red Ed.

Worst Pick: United

What? The airline that is notoriously bad? This is an absolute WHIFF of a pick. 

Grade: C-

Hot Airplane

Best Pick: Hot Airplane

As a big guy myself, I HATE a hot airplane. There really isn't anything you can do it about it either. I've always noticed, a plane is never hot enough to make you sweat, but warm enough to make you uncomfortable. It just sucks. Great pick from Dana. 

Worst Pick: Biscoff

I don't hate the pick, but I hate the idea of picking a snack first. It tastes fine but just doesn't make sense to me. 

Grade: A-

I think the guests will rule this week, and honestly, Tommy had a top-five draft of all time. I find it nearly impossible for him not to win.

Predicted Winner: Tommy

Predicted Loser: Eddie


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