Barstool Chicago Worst Smells Draft Grades


Best Pick: Skunk Spray

Great pick in the fifth round. All of the other ones were pretty good as well, but I personally believe this one could have been taken before the fifth round, so Carl got great value for it.

Worst Pick: Hockey Bag

I am taking points off for this because of a technicality. Hockey bags do not inherently smell bad, obviously, they do 90% of the time, but before there is gear in them, they smell fine. 

Grade: A


Best Pick: Dumpster

Dumpsters are rancid and are much worse smelling than farts or BO, especially if the dumpster has food. Not only do the things in the dumpster normally stink but you have to add that they are most likely hot or wet or a combination of the two. Great pick.

Worst Pick: B.O.

I mean how often do you really smell people's B.O.? Now when you do smell it, it can be bad, however, I do not think it was worthy of a second-round pick. 

Grade: B


Best Pick: White Vinegar

Great value on the pick, I truly despise the smell of vinegar. It is just so bad and what makes it worse is that you need it for cooking.

Worst Pick: Nursing Homes

This is an interesting pick. I understand people think old people/nursing homes smell weird, but I don't think they are that bad. Just different.

Grade: B


Best Pick: Port-O-Potty

Port-O-Potties, in the Summer, that haven't been cleaned in a while, may be the worst smell of all time. I mean they make me want to die.

Worst Pick: Dog Anal Gland Secretion

Um, wtf?

Grade: C+


Best Pick: Sewage

Stagnant human waste? Yeah, that is a god-awful smell. Just the absolute worst. 

Worst Pick: Ammonia

I really don't think ammonia smells that bad. I mean it doesn't smell great, but I certainly think there are much worse smells. 

Grade: B

I think Carl wins in a landslide, just an incredible draft top-to-bottom. 

Predicted Winner: Carl

Predicted Loser: Chief


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