Barstool Chicago Thanksgiving Break Draft Grades


Best Pick: Travel

Yeah everyone hates traveling for the holidays. It is so busy and you are only there for a few days. Great pick, worthy of first overall.

Worst Pick: Illinois High School State Championship

Yeah, this one was a head-scratcher. Not many are going to relate to this one.

Grade: D


Best Pick: Post Meal Nap

I like it. This is a tradition most people can relate to and it is just fun. 

Worst Pick: Rack City

Bro what? Why did he pick this song? So many classes and you pick Rack City by Tyga? I don't hate the song but jeez. 

Grade: A-


Best Pick: Going out Wednesday night

Good pick. Everyone likes going back to the home town bar. I thought this would have gone in the first round tbh, so good value.

Worst Pick: Oregon/Oregon State Rivalry

Eh not my favorite rivalry, especially in recent years. Oregon is just so dominant, plus it is usually super late at night when I don't care anymore. 

Grade: A


Best Pick: Piano Man

I think Piano Man is a tremendous pick. When I think of Thanksgiving, I think of being together with the ones you love. There are few songs that bring people together like Piano Man does. Great pick.

Worst Pick: Only Weekend we get Stuffing

Eh, we don't need stuffing more weekends.

Grade: C+


Best Pick: Alabama/Auburn

This game is consistently the best rivalry in CFB. Even when Auburn is down, they always seem to play Bama close. Plus, it has some amazing moments. 

Worst Pick: Saying Grace

Eh this is like two minutes max, kind of a weird thing to hate. Even if you arent religious it is something easily ignored. 

Grade: C+

Projected Winner: Rico

Projected Loser: Chief


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