Barstool Chicago Comeback Draft Grades

Round 1 Pick 1: Michael Jordan, Rico

Incredible pick from Rico. This is one-hundred percent the best athletic comeback. I mean he retired for two years and then came back and three-peated for the second time. Incredible pick from Rico.

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 2: Jesus, Chief

I think this should've been first overall. Just an incredible pick, definitely the most well-known comeback from across the world. Very good pick from Chief. However, I think Chief can no longer support Notre Dame after calling it a fictional event. 

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 3: 28-3, Eddie

Again another good pick. This is one of the most memorable sporting events ever and it just so happens to be a comeback. It is just an incredible game, great pick.

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 4: Illinois/Arizona, Dave

What can I say about this pick that hasn't already been mentioned on the show like ten times already? It's a good pick, White Sox Dave was at a Buffalo Wild Wings when it happened. Good pick, good comeback. 

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 5: 2004 ALCS, Carl

Good pick. It broke the curse of the Bambino, one of the most infamous championship droughts in sports. A good pick from Carl, a little bit snaky to take it after telling Eddie he couldn't but I digress. 

Grade: A 

Round 2 Pick 1: Josh Hamilton, Carl

Um what? Josh Hamilton?! I mean sure the guy has a good story, but to say he is the second best comeback from any athlete is absolutely ludicrous. I can't believe there was no pushback on this pick, it is awful. 

Grade: D

Round 2 Pick 2: Mike Vick, Dave

This is a much better pick. Mike Vick came back and he was pretty good. However I still think there is a pretty negative connotation associated with Vick's name for him going to prison. So I think the pick is better, but will probably alienate some voters. 

Grade: B-

Round 2 Pick 3: Converse, Eddie

Pretty solid pick. Converse sneakers are really popular now. It is pretty much impossible to go anywhere in the summer without seeing at least one girl wearing white converse. Also a ton of guys are wearing them as well. Overall a very good pick for this category.

Grade: A+

Round 2 Pick 4: Jon Snow, Chief

I like the pick, but there is something to be said about taking GOT moments because people do have a sour taste in their mouth from the end of the show. I think I'm able to separate this from the rest of the show and say it was pretty freaking sweet when Jon Snow came back to life. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 5: Mets/Red Sox (1986), Rico

Good comeback and it has one of the most famous moments in baseball history in it. It will also get a lot of the New York voters who either like the Mets or hate the Red Sox. The game itself is also a good comeback, but I think the play is really what sticks out.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 1: Simba Takes back Pride Rock, Rico

It's a fine pick, but maybe a bit too outside of the box? I don't really know if it's a comeback, it just seems wrong. I don't love the pick, but it will get the Disney fans to vote.

Grade: C+

Round 3 Pick 2: Tiger Woods, Chief

An absolute steal in the third round. Tiger coming back and winning the Masters in 2019 was one of the best moments in sports history. I can't believe he somehow got to the third round and Carl took Josh Fucking Hamilton over him. 

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 3: Tune Squad, Eddie

A very solid pick. Nothing flashy. It doesn't get you going like a quarterback or receiver, but it needed to be picked. The comeback was pretty good in the movie, not too much to say.

Grade: B+

Round 3 Pick 4: Short Shorts, Dave

Solid pick from Dave. Shorter shorts are definitely on the comeback. They aren't as short as they used to be in the 70s/80s but guys are definitely starting to wear shorter shorts. I'm personally a fan of like a 6-7 inch inseam, short enough to be over the knee, but not too short.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 5: Rocky 2, Carl

A pretty solid pick from Carl. Rocky coming back from retiring and beating Apollo is definitely a good comeback story. Also Rocky is a generally well-liked movie franchise, so I think that will help Carl get some votes. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 1: Starter Jacket, Carl

Have starter jackets really made a comeback? I think Carl is vastly overhyping how significant they are. I don't know the last time I saw someone on a college campus wearing one, although Carl claimed them to be very popular on campuses. I think they have made a slight comeback among adult men, but nothing major in any other category.

Grade: C

Round 4 Pick 2: You Play Ball Like a Girl, Dave

Elite, elite, elite, pick. It's outside of the box, which I appreciate, and it is just a solid comeback in general. Very good from Dave.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 3: BK Chicken Fries, Eddie

Pretty solid pick. It isn't my favorite pick taken, but I definitely didn't think "oh that's awful" when I heard it. I like chicken fries, I don't know the last time I had them, but they are still pretty good nonetheless. One thing I will say about the pick is they seemed to have faded away again, they still aren't super popular anymore so it almost seems like a flash in the pan. 

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 4: USA vs Algeria, Chief

Yup, that's a Chief pick right there. I sorta remember this game, but it isn't something I think about too much. It also was brought up that the game itself simply was not a comeback. So bad pick all around.

Grade: D

Round 4 Pick 5: "Your Mom", Rico

Good pick from Rico. Another outside-the-box comeback joke. Saying your mom/mother to someone pretty much always plays. 

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 1: Tight Clothes, Rico

This is a bit of a head-scratcher. Tight clothes aren't particularly back in my opinion. I feel like most people wear baggy clothes, especially celebrities/influencers. Not a great pick from Rico. 

Grade: C

Round 5 Pick 2: Abercrombie, Chief

This is an even worse pick from Chief! Abercrombie is bleeding money right now. The only person I've known to wear Abercrombie was one weird kid I went to High School with. I haven't seen that moose logo in ages. 

Grade: F

Round 5 Pick 3: James Braddock, Eddie

This is Eddie's "bad" pick. I don't think it is inherently bad, I just think it is a bit unknown. After doing a little bit of research, it seems like a nice story, but I just think most voters won't know who this is. 

Grade: C

Round 5 Pick 4: World vs Aliens (Independence Day), Dave

I mean independence day is a good movie. The world almost lost, but they didn't. The pick isn't awesome, but it isn't bad at all.

Grade: B+

Round 5 Pick 5: Plano East vs John Tyler, Carl

Stunning. Just a terrible pick. Such a niche pick here. I feel like Carl almost sandbagged this draft. 

Grade: F

This draft had a lot of underwhelming picks, but one person rose above it all and had all above-average selections. That man was White Sox Dave, his draft was pretty solid this week.

Predicted Winner: White Sox Dave

Predicted Loser: Carl


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