Barstool Chicago Busts Draft Grades

I'm back. I know it has been a few weeks, but school just started and I had to get readjusted. This week was a very interesting draft, I kinda felt like I learned a lot from Kirk. Hope everyone enjoys the grades!

Round 1 Pick 1: Jamarcus Russell, Dave

Good pick from Dave. He is pretty renowned for being a huge bust. I don't understand the backlash this got. I think this is a very good number one overall pick. He was a big talent, first overall, and was awful. So I really don't understand the hate. 

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 2: Jake Lloyd, Kirk

This isn't my number one child actor. Like it is a good pick because it is rough to have such high expectations at such a young age. He was just a bad actor so I don't think it is an incredible bust. I think it is fine, but there could've been better picks. 

Grade: A-

Round 1 Pick 3: Haley Joel Osment, Carl

When you get your start with one of the biggest movies of all time, it is hard to live up to the hype. If I were to buy stock in an actor and then they would go on to be in Forrest Gump and The Sixth Sense, I would think I could retire at 25. But wow what a fall from grace. I mean at least he is still in movies so there is that. I can't give it too high of a grade since he continues to get into movies, but it is not bad. 

Grade: B

Round 1 Pick 4: Lindsay Lohan, Chief

Incredible pick. Unlike other actors where she just fell off, she did things actually wrong. Like she was arrested, did drugs, etc. She was just an absolute fall from grace. She also had a much higher peak than a lot of young actors/actresses. 

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 5: Quibi, Eddie

I was never really sure what exactly Quibi was. I just remember that Kevin Hart was a spokesperson for it and they had a Super Bowl commercial. It just seemed like a weird concept to me. Like the whole short video thing didn't make sense to me. I think this also will get a boost due to recency bias. Good pick.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 1: Hoverboard, Eddie

Great pick. I remember when these came out and I saw them everywhere on Vine and it was like the coolest thing ever. However, I tried one at my friend's house and thought they sucked. They were hard to use and not nearly as cool as they looked. Great pick.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 2: Theranos, Chief

I was too young to really know anything about this pick, but it definitely seems like a good pick. It got a lot of money and ended up being a huge flop. The other guys seemed to like the pick so I can give it a good grade.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 3: Ryan Leaf, Carl

A strong pick. Leaf and Russell are 1a and 1b in NFL draft busts. The fact that he was drafted over Peyton Manning makes this a great pick by itself. He had so much hype and was just bad, a good pick from Carl.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 4: Dan & Dave, Kirk

I've never heard of these guys but they do seem like incredible busts. The amount of hype for these guys to have and to not even participate in the Olympics is bonkers. Given the fact that they are a bit older, it may not play as well as some of the other picks, but I think it is good nonetheless. 

Grade: B+

Round 2 Pick 5: Edward Furlong, Dave

I think the pick is ok. I think there are definitely more notable child stars that ended up flaming out. So I do think that Dave has an ok pick but definitely could have been better in the second round. 

Grade: C+

Round 3 Pick 1: Suicide Squad, Dave

I'm in the minority here, but I actually kind of liked this movie. It wasn't good, but it wasn't awful to me. However, I understand so many people hated this movie. So personally I don't think it is a massive bust, but overall it is a bust, so good pick from Dave.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 2: Barstool Gold, Kirk

Good pick, especially for this particular audience. Barstool Gold was stupid. I think I first got into Barstool just when this was ending and I was just confused. Great pick from Kirk.

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 3: Sega Dreamcast, Carl

You know a piece of technology is a flop when the company decides to completely change its direction. Sega was coming off of the top of the mountain with the Genesis and they followed it up with this piece of trash. Definitely a big flop. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 4: Darko Milicic, Chief

I don't think this is the biggest basketball bust in my opinion. I would say that would be Anthony Bennett. Darko is still obviously a big bust, however, I think Bennett is bigger. Good pick nonetheless from Chief.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 5: Vince Young, Eddie

Alright, Vince Young wasn't as big of a bust as some of the other athletes taken. Like he did win rookie of the year. So he is a bust, but I don't think he is as big of a bust as the other ones. 

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 1: Dumb and Dumber To, Eddie

I'm not a huge Jim Carey fan as it is so "Dumb and Dumber To" being this bad, was even worse to me. I remember all of the hype of the movie and nobody liked it, especially compared to the original. Good pick for Eddie. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 2: Segways, Chief

I actually don't think this is a massive bust. I feel like I still see segways around occasionally so it isn't like a complete bust to me. I think that they are a bust but there are bigger tech busts to me. 

Grade: C+

Round 4 Pick 3: The Rise of Skywalker, Carl

This is another movie that I think gets too much hate. Like it wasn't good, but it was better than the one that preceded it so it was a small win. However, I do think that it left me unsatisfied as a fan. Parts also just didn't make sense. Like why was Palpatine back for five minutes? There was no need to do that. There is something to be said about the fact that it is one of the only Star Wars movies that I have really no desire to rewatch. A pretty good flop to me. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 4: Heaven's Gate, Kirk

It sounds like a good pick, but again we run into the problem that people have not heard of this movie. The stories Kirk said really help his case, but if people don't listen they probably won't vote for it.

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 5: Blockbuster, Dave

This is an awful pick. Blockbuster just wasn't a bust. In my opinion at least. Being a bust is not equal to being beaten by a competitor. Like it was a major business for 20-30 years. Definitely not a bust in my opinion. 

Grade: F

Round 5 Pick 1: Google Glass, Dave

Great pick from Dave. Google Glass was supposed to be cool and it just made you look like an asshole. I really do think eventually there will be some form of tech glasses but this was just a massive bust. 

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 2: ET Video Game, Kirk

I think this is a good pick. Most people who are fans of video games have heard about the lore of the ET video game that was so bad. Strong pick from Kirk.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 3: Enron, Carl

Good value in the fifth round. It certainly did bust after doing all of their illegal shit. It is certainly the biggest business scandal. I have trouble calling it a "bust" although the business did bust, it just feels weird. However, I do think it will get a lot of votes on the graphic. 

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 4: Lion King Live Animation, Chief

I have mixed feelings about this one. I think every live action remake from Disney is garbage, but can something meant to be a cash grab really be a flop? Like it is a bad movie, but it is still the Lion King. I think it is more of an afterthought than anything. Interesting pick, but not necessarily a bad one. 

Grade: B

Round 5 Pick 5: Corey Feldman, Eddie

Feldman was in some incredible movies as a kid, most notably the Goonies. But, he just fizzled out. He still got movies, but none of them were particularly good. Overall a pretty good bust, especially in the fifth round. 

Grade: A-

This is a weird draft with no true favorites. I have gone on to notice that when we have a trend like this it is usually Eddie or the guest that wins. With that being said, I don't think any of Eddie's picks are particularly bad so he probably gets the win this week.

Projected Winner: Eddie

Projected Loser: WSD


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