Barstool Chicago Smells Draft Grades

The Chiacgo crew is back and they are drafting smells. This was a very good draft and honestly a bit nostalgic if I'm being honest. They are joined by sub-100 golfer Trent, who was a pleasant guest. Enjoy!

Round 1 Pick 1: New Car Smell, Carl

I like the new car smell. I don't think it should've been the first overall, but it is definitely a first-round pick. I think it's nice because it also comes with a sense of achievement because you just got your new car. It makes you feel good for about a month or two. Good pick.

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 2: Leaves Burning in the Distance, Chief

What? I mean this isn't a first-round pick. Very weird pick from Chief in my opinion. I don't think this pick is going to resonate with most people. I live in a fairly rural area and I don't encounter this too often. Very odd. 

Grade: C

Round 1 Pick 3: Gasoline, Trent

I like the smell of gasoline, but I don't think it is a first rounder especially because of the polarization of it. I think there is a stigma for saying that you like the smell of gas because then you seem kinda trashy. I think the smell is good, but it can be overwhelming and probably should have gone later in the draft.

Grade: B

Round 1 Pick 4: Popcorn, Eddie

Great pick. Walking into the movie theater and smelling the popcorn is a top-tier smell. There is the problem of burning popcorn, however, I think that the reward outweighs the risk when making popcorn. It is a very inviting smell, in my opinion, a great pick.

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 5: Brownies, Dave

So brownies are a good smell, but I don't think they are the best baking smell. I think cookies or bread are a much better baking smell. I think brownies actually taste better than their smell, which is usually not the case. A good pick from Dave, but I think it is probably a better third-round or later.

Grade: B-

Round 2 Pick 1: Fresh Cut Grass, Dave

Something about it. It reminds me of childhood. A very good pick that I think most people can relate with it. It also feels like a sense of accomplishment.

Grade: A 

Round 2 Pick 2: Melting Chocolate, Eddie

I actually don't think this is an amazing smell. It is fine. I think just drafting hot chocolate, the drink, would have been better. I very rarely even smelled melting chocolate. I don't think it is awful, but probably could've gone later.

Grade: B-

Round 2 Pick 3: Cooking Bacon, Trent

An absolutely amazing smell to wake up to. If you woke up on a Saturday morning and your parents were cooking bacon, you knew it was was gonna be a good day. Incredible pick in the second round, definitely worthy of a first.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 4: Sausage and grilled onions, Chief

A fair pick. I don't think it is worthy of the second round. It's an ok smell but it feels weird to draft it here, especially if you take out the context of a baseball game.

Grade: B-

Round 2 Pick 5: Freshley-Brewed Coffee, Carl

Awesome pick from Carl. I think coffee is an awesome smell. It just makes me feel warm and energized, before even drinking it. Very good smell in my opinion. 

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 1: Chocolate Chip Cookies, Carl

Elite, elite, elite smell. One of my favorite days of the year is when I make Christmas cookies with my family. It makes your mouth water. I think it is a great pick from Carl and will definitely play into people's nostalgia. 

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 2: Fresh can of tennis balls, Chief

A very good smell from Chief. To me, it smells both good and bad at the same time, but I love it. I play tennis with my friends and we get mad if one of us opens up a new can without everyone around we get mad. It's such a unique smell. Great pick.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 3: Cinnamon Rolls, Trent

My grandmother used to make this for my brother and me on Fridays before elementary school. When we would walk into her house we would be blessed by the sweet aroma. Cinamon rolls are so good and they almost smell better than they taste. Great pick from Trent.

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 4: Charcoal Grill, Eddie

Grilling is great because it makes the whole neighborhood smell. It just reminds me of summer, which is always a good memory. Very good smell from Ed.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 5: Sauteed Garlic, Dave

I love the smell of garlic. It is a great smell. However, it does tend to linger and it is something that can become overpowering. So it's a good smell but can become bad very quickly.

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 1: Cigar Smoke, Dave

Cigar smoke stinks. I think it is a horrible smell. It isn't the worst smelling tobacco product, but jeez this is a tough pick. 

Grade: C+

Round 4 Pick 2: Orange, Eddie

I think orange is the best smelling fruit, but in general, I think most fruits actually smell kind of bad. Oranges smell fine, but they aren't great. They have a very odd and tangy smell. I don't think this is a bad pick, but it isn't great.

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 3: Inside if a Subway, Trent

I think Subway is probably the worst fast-food restaurant. It fucking sucks. But I do have to admit, it has a really good smell. I would assume it's the bread, but I'm not certain. It is a good smell but the food is fucking awful. I think this is a pretty good pick, but I don't think it will get a ton of votes.

Grade: B-

Round 4 Pick 4: Mirepoix, Chief

What a fuckin moron. Why didn't he just take chicken soup? Everyone loves the smell of chicken soup! Nobody knows what the fuck mirepoix is. Like it's a good smell but ugh. Man-o-man Chief will be in for it this week.

Grade: D

Round 4 Pick 5: Hardware Store, Carl

Great pick. I think the great thing about the smell of the hardware store is the different smells fighting to get into your nostrils. You have the lumber, the tools, the sawdust, the gardening equipment, and so much more. They all combine for an orgy of smells that is just so unique it cannot be replicated outside of a hardware store. Good pick from Carl.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 1: Fresh money from an ATM, Carl

I love love love this pick. Not only does new money smell great it usually is accompanied by some joyful feeling. Maybe it's your birthday, maybe it's Christmas, or maybe it's your payday. Whatever it is, this money is accompanied by a good feeling in your life most of the time. Good pick from Carl.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 2: Christmas Tree, Chief

Awesome pick from Chief. This is definitely a pick that has a strong emotional connection to me. I love Christmas. I love the season, I love the day, I love the music, and I love the smell of Christmas trees. Tremendous pick from Chief.

Grade: A+

Round 5 Pick 3: Barnes & Noble, Trent

I think this is a good pick. I think younger people may not be able to relate to this as Barnes & Noble becomes more obsolete. I just love the smell of the books and the Starbucks in them. It's just very nice.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 4: Clean Clothes, Eddie

This is the only reason I can tolerate doing laundry. The smell is very good. Your clothes are also warm which adds to the smell. Overall I just think your freshly cleaned clothes smell really good.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 5: Sharpies, Dave

Sharpies are good for one smell and then they suck. Like after the first whiff, I think they smell terrible. So I'll give it a decent grade but not an amazing one due to the short lived smell.

Grade: B

This was a very good draft in my opinion. It's a very even draft in my opinion. I'm gonna go with Eddie on this one, very consistent with all of his picks.

Predicted Winner: Eddie

Predicted Loser: Chief


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