Barstool Chicago TV Show Theme Song Draft Grades
The crew is back and they are drafting TV show theme songs. This is a pretty tough draft to grade because there aren't too many bad picks. I also think a lot of people will just vote for the quality of the TV shows and not the quality of the songs. Anyway, it was a pretty strong draft.
Round 1 Pick 1: Fresh Prince of Bel Air, Dave
Easy first overall. I think there is nothing more iconic, especially with the generation that is voting. Incredible pick by Dave, he has a great chance to win this week.
Grade: A+
Round 1 Pick 2: Cheers, Eddie
It's a very good pick, but I consider the fact that the show is a bit older. Not as many people voting may have seen the show. With that being said, I think most people know the theme song. It's a good pick, but I think it could have been stronger.
Grade: B+
Round 1 Pick 3: The Wonder Years, Chief
I'm gonna get ahead of this early in the draft, there will probably be a lot of shows I haven't watched simply because I am too young. I also don't really know how popular the show truly was, I've heard of the show but I haven't heard of it being immensely popular like the other shows. The song sounds good but I really don't know how well it plays.
Grade: B
Round 1 Pick 4: The OC, Feits
Very good song. I do know that The OC is pretty popular and I have heard that people really like the theme song. I think the pick is incredibly strong. The song is very different than most theme songs, it is less headline-grabbing and more chill. It's a song I would actually just listen to driving in the car. Strong pick,
Grade: A
Round 1 Pick 5: The Simpsons, Carl
Great pick from Carl. I think this is a show that is multi-generational. Although it isn't as good now, people still know the theme song when they play it. It also has an iconic opening sequence. This is a song that gets stuck in your head, but not in a bad way. Good pick from Carl.
Grade: A
Round 2 Pick 1: The Sopranos, Carl
I may be in the minority here, but I don't love the Sopranos theme song. It could be partially because I wasn't around during the height of the show's popularity. However, I do know that many people really think this is a great intro, so I will go against my personal thoughts and give this a good grade.
Grade: A-
Round 2 Pick 2: Growing Pains, Feits
Another great pick from Feitelberg. Very catchy, very upbeat. I think a lot of people will have a generally positive reaction to this pick.
Grade: A
Round 2 Pick 3: The Hills, Chief
Great pick from Chief. Unwritten is undeniably an incredible song. If I heard this come on the TV, I would immediately watch. Also, good for Chief for sticking to himself and picking something that he truly loves.
Grade: A-
Round 2 Pick 4: Friends, Eddie
Great selection by Eddie. I think the Friends hate on the internet is a very vocal minority, most people like the show and enjoy the theme song. The clapping definitely adds to the pick because so many people enjoy it. Strong pick.
Grade: A+
Round 2 Pick 5: Entourage, Dave
I really like Entourage, but I think the second round was a bit of a reach for the pick. I personally like it, but I'm just not sure how it plays because people love the show but I'm not sure what people think about the theme song.
Grade: B+
Round 3 Pick 1: Happy Days, Dave
I think this is another pick that spans generations. Everyone knows the Happy Days theme song and I think everyone has a generally positive view of it. Strong pick after a slight blunder.
Grade: A
Round 3 Pick 2: Full House, Eddie
Great pick. I have very fond memories of watching Full House before school and I really liked the theme song. I think most people think very fondly of this show and the theme song alike. It is just so upbeat and light. Tremendous pick.
Grade: A
Round 3 Pick 3: Game of Thrones, Chief
First-rounder right here. Incredible pick from Chief. Like this song gets me HYPED. I absolutely love this song so much. I still think people like the song despite the bad final season. I think this will get a lot of votes on the poll.
Grade: A+
Round 3 Pick 4: Pokemon, Feits
So there are multiple versions of this theme song, but I'm gonna assume he means the original one. It's very catchy, I loved it as a kid. My only takeback with the pick is that it may not resonate with the voting base. Therefore I can't grade it too highly.
Grade: B
Round 3 Pick 5: The Office, Carl
This pick works just because so many people enjoy The Office. Everyone recognizes it and I would think it generally has a positive reaction. Netflix has ruined it a bit by playing it like ten times louder when you watch it. Nevertheless, I think it's a strong pick for Carl as The Office fans love their show so much.
Grade: A
Round 4 Pick 1: Peaky Blinders, Carl
The Peaky Blinders song is menacing and it absolutely fits the show. However I don't really know how many votes it will gain, I feel like it isn't really talked about that often. I think it's a good pick, but not an outstanding one.
Grade: B
Round 4 Pick 2: Dawson's Creek, Feits
This is just a legitimately good song. Like I would turn this up if I was listening to it on the radio. That's honestly what Feits seemed to go for this draft (besides pokemon). He just picked good songs that people actually listen to. Not sure if it will work in the end. Solid pick though.
Grade: A-
Round 4 Pick 3: Saved By The Bell, Chief
Incredible value from Chief right here. I don't think it's a first-round value, but mid-second works. Either way taking it in the fourth is a steal. It also helps that the show is incredibly popular and extremely nostalgic.
Grade: A
Round 4 Pick 4: The Jeffersons, Eddie
Not a bad pick by itself, but in relation to other picks in the draft, it isn't great. It also doesn't help that The Jeffersons is probably a slightly less popular show than the other ones. A little bit of a stumble from Eddie here.
Grade: C
Round 4 Pick 5: Cops, Dave
Wow, this could potentially seal the deal for Dave this week. So many people know the song without even watching the show. Just such a good pick. I was actually shocked.
Grade: A+
Round 5 Pick 1: The X-Files, Dave
Wow, back-to-back great picks from Dave. The X-Files theme isn't a "great" song in all honesty, but it is very memorable. Everyone knows it and it will definitely receive votes on the graphic. Dave is certainly the person to beat this week.
Grade: A
Round 5 Pick 2: The Wire, Eddie
The show is great, the song is fine. I just think that it maybe isn't of the same caliber as the other ones. I have never really heard anyone say how much they like the Wire's theme song. Not an awesome pick, but certainly not bad.
Grade: C+
Round 5 Pick 3: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Chief
Strong pick, not the best not the worst. It isn't a great song, but it's catchy. The song is pretty short and not amazing. But it isn't terrible. Definitely, one of the weaker picks of the draft in comparison.
Grade: B-
Round 5 Pick 4: It's Always Sunny, Feits
It isn't my personal favorite. It's a fine song. I love the show, but I don't think it is my favorite theme. Probably wouldn't be a first or second round, but I understand why it was picked. I think the quality of the show takes it further than the theme song does.
Grade: A-
Round 5 Pick 5: Curb Your Enthusiasm, Carl
This is probably the most iconic theme song, just because it has become a meme. It's amazing this went last overall, I really could've seen it in the second or third round. Great Mr. Irrelevant.
Grade: A
I truly believe the vote will be extremely close this week. I throw out Ed immediately because his draft just isn't as good as the others. I tend to lean towards Dave winning this week, but I wouldn't be shocked if Feits, Chief, or Carl won. It's gonna be very close.
Predicted Winner: Dave
Predicted Loser: Eddie
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