Barstool Chicago Back To School Draft Grades

It's back to school time! I'm starting my sophomore year of college next week and there is no better way to celebrate by grading a back-to-school draft! The gang is joined by Dana Beers, who was a surprisingly good guest. I actually really liked this draft. Hope you enjoy my analysis!

Round 1 Pick 1: TV Cart, Eddie

Great pick. Everyone loved having a period off to just watch a movie and talk to your friends. It was essentially a free period. I distinctly remember the cheers of the class when it was a movie day. 

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 2: Chocolate Milk, Dana

Kind of crazy how the schools were giving us chocolate milk and cold pizza at 11:00am and none of us batted an eye. I was in school when they switched from cartons to plastic bottles, which was a major downgrade imo. School chocolate milk was just different than regular chocolate milk from the store. Very good pick from Dana.

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 3: Dodgeball, Dave

Unfortunately, I am too young to ever play dodgeball in school. The only time it happened for me was in my junior year in high school when my teacher just stopped caring. Dodgeball is awesome in the gym, but I do agree it wasn't as good at recess. I would say it is my number three recess game though.

Grade: A-

Round 1 Pick 4: Knockout, Chief

In fifth grade, every kid in my elementary school played knockout at recess for a solid three months. Eventually, it got banned because too many kids got into fights because I guess our teachers were soft, idk. It is a solid game, but I wouldn't have taken it first round because I feel like there are some very strong games remaining on the board. 

Grade: B

Round 1 Pick 5: First sick day, Carl

Faking a sick day was a very tricky situation for me. If I was too young and had a sick day, I would have to go to my grandmother's house, which was no fun. Then if I was too old, my parents wouldn't believe me. So middle school was probably my prime years to fake being sick. However, I don't think this should be a first-rounder.

Grade: B-

Round 2 Pick 1: Medieval Times, Carl

This isn't a great pick. I don't think enough people go to medieval times for school field trips. I never went on a school trip there because the closest one to me was like an hour away. Medieval Times is fine, but I don't think it's the number one field trip on the board nor do I think it resonates with all of the voters.  

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 2: Amusement Park, Chief

Best field trip, hands down. I don't really know if anything can compete with this. I really don't have that much commentary on the subject because there is nothing to say. It could've been the first round.

Grade: A+

Round 2 Pick 3: Lunchables, Dave

I loved Lunchables. My personal favorite was the pizza with nachos in a close second. I'm actually not a huge fan of the ham and cheese because I usually had a ham and cheese sandwich every day for lunch. Very good pick from Dave.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 4: Last Day of School, Dana

Incredible pick from Dana. Energy in the lunchroom on the last day of school rivals a stadium for a playoff game. It's absolutely electric and there is a buzz in the air. I loved when a teacher would let you out two minutes before the bell and you would find all of your friends. Absolutely the best.

Grade: A+

Round 2 Pick 5: Last Day before Winter Break, Eddie

I actually think this will be an underrated pick. It may be a slight reach but the buzz in the school is still present. Before Christmas was always fun because you'd be making plans with your friends over break, you may have some Christmas cookies in your lunchbox, and if you were lucky, your teachers would be playing some carols while you did classwork. Good pick, but hard to follow up the last day with that.

Grade: B

Round 3 Pick 1: The Aquarium, Eddie

I never got to go to the aquarium and my brother did. I was super jealous of him. I always liked going to aquariums because ocean animals are way more interesting than land animals. I also liked feeling like a total badass when I touched the sting-rays. Good pick from Eddie.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 2: Wall Ball, Dana

Wall ball is a fun game, but it isn't my favorite. I felt like wall ball isn't a game you could play for the entire recess, to me it got boring quick. I also think this could've been drafted later. Decent pick, but not great.

Grade: C+

Round 3 Pick 3: Pizza Day, Dave

This is kind of a meh pick for me. I mean getting pizza for lunch was awesome, but it wasn't a top-five day of the school year. It might not even be top ten.

Grade: C

Round 3 Pick 4: Snow Day, Chief

Chief may be right, this could very well win the draft. I have very fond memories of my brother and myself cheering when our school scrolled by. We would rush out in the morning and going sledding all day. One time, we had two blizzards in one week and got off school for a week straight, that was awesome. Tremendous pick from Chief.

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 5: Capri-Sun, Carl

Strong pick. I still drink Capri-suns to this day. My favorite was fruit punch, but everyone seems to like pacific cooler. I liked Kool-Aid more, but still valued Capri-sun. Good pick.

Grade: B+

Round 4 Pick 1: Two-Hand Touch Football, Carl

I can't believe football fell to the fourth round. It was absolutely the best game to play in recess. If you had a QB who could absolutely sling it, the game was awesome. It felt like the super bowl five days of the week.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 2: Having a Substitute, Chief

This very much depended on the sub you were having. One time in my eighth-grade science class, we had a sub who had just graduated from college, and fellas let me tell you, absolute dime piece. Best sub I ever had. Overall a substitute was a good day.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 3: Field Museum, Dave

My field museum was the Smithsonian natural history museum. I always liked going to the natural history museum with my friends. Not my favorite field trip, but not my least favorite. The only problem is that people really don't want to learn on their field trip and this would be a very academic-centric field trip. 

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 4: Finding out who's in your class, Dana

One of the most anticipated days towards the end of the summer. Once you found out one person got their schedule, you would sprint to the mailbox. In elementary school, we had a day where we would get our schedule then went to meet our teacher before the year started. That was nice. Very good pick from Dana.

Grade: A-

Round 4 Pick 5: Fruit-by-the-foot, Eddie

Eh, I don't really like fruit-by-the-foot. If you stack it up with the other lunch items taken, it really isn't a great pick.

Grade: C-

Round 5 Pick 1: Capture the flag, Eddie

I don't know if I ever played capture the flag during recess. That was a gym game for us. I think Eddie really fumbled not taking kickball here, which is my personal first overall recess game. Not a good pick for Ed.

Grade: D+

Round 5 Pick 2: The Zoo, Dana

The zoo is fun when you are younger, but as you get older it just becomes a bit sad to watch those animals. It's kind of just an average pick from Dana, but it isn't bad. 

Grade: B

Round 5 Pick 3: Having a hot teacher, Dave

My fifth-grade math teacher was a cheerleader for the Redskins in college. Needless to say, I did not learn that much math that year. Very strong pick from Dave, maybe the Tom Brady of this draft.

Grade: A+

Round 5 Pick 4: Tater Tots, Chief

I don't understand the slander for this pick. Tater tots were awesome in the lunchroom. To me, it's a strong pick, but not great.

Grade: B+

Round 5 Pick 5: Killing more than you can Carry in Oregon Trail, Carl

I never played Oregon trail, but everyone else seemed to think it was a solid pick, so I'll give the benefit of the draft to Carl.

Grade: A

I think we have a two-horse race for the top this week between Dana and Chief. I think each of them slipped up when drafting their recess game and would've locked it up with kickball. I think Chief has a slight edge, but it will be close.

Predicted Winner: Chief

Predicted Loser: Eddie


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