Barstool Chicago Sandwich Draft Grades

The Chicago boys are back and they are drafting sandwiches. They are joined by Jim Graziano, a long-time sponsor and sandwich expert. It was a Great draft.

Round 1 Pick 1: Italian Beef Sandwich, Carl

I was scratching my head after this pick. I'd never even heard of it and it went one overall. I figured out that it seems like a Chicago/midwest thing, but I don't know. I'm not really sure how to grade this because. I'm sure it's good, but it might be too regional to do well on the graphic.

Grade: B

Round 1 Pick 2: Italian Sub, Jim

The Italian is one of the most popular subs cross country. This is a tremendous picnic sandwich. On a summer day, maybe you're on a boat maybe you're going for a hike, this is an awesome sandwich to have outdoors on a hot day. Great pick from Jim, and I think this plays better nationally.

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 3: Cheeseburger, Chief

I mean this is an awesome pick. Could've been first overall. One of the best and most versatile sandwiches out there and it's one of the best. Also if anyone says it's not a sandwich is a certified moron. The argument saying you don't call it a "cheeseburger sandwich" is asinine. You don't ask for a BLT sandwich, just a BLT. Awesome pick by Chief. 

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 4: Grilled Cheese, Eddie

Always a solid sandwich. Also very versatile like the burger. Do yourself a favor and try grilled cheese with beef jerky on it. A solid pick from Ed.

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 5: Brisket Sandwich, Dave

So they're good, but I'm not sure it's a first-round pick. Don't get me wrong they are a good, solid sandwich, but I'm not sure it's a first-rounder. The main problem with brisket is it's very easy to mess up and when the brisket is bad... it's really bad. Not the best start for Dave.

Grade: C+

Round 2 Pick 1: Nashville Hot Chicken Sandwich, Dave

Again another regional selection, but it's more popular than the Italian beef on a national scale. I've never gotten one of them in Nashville, but I've had them at other places. They are a solid sandwich, however, I think it could've gone in like third or fourth round. 

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 2: PB & J, Eddie

I personally don't love peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, however, I understand the firepower with it. Absolute elementary school statement. Solid selection from Eddie. It won't win the draft, but it lays a solid base for the rest of the draft. 

Grade: B+

Round 2 Pick 3: Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Sandwich, Chief

Chief is really trying to win over the New York crowd with this one. I personally prefer a sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich, but I do love bacon. One of the best ways to start your day. Very strong pick from Chief, who is building a strong draft so far.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 4: BLT, Jim

A very safe pick. I don't think this wins the draft, but it helps to build a solid base. It is the adult version of the PB&J, everyone has had one and it's simple to make. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 5: Meatball Sub, Carl

This is a great second-round selection. Not very versatile, but it is always solid. The thing with the meatball sub is that it lives and dies with the sauce. If the sauce is bad or if you don't have enough, then your sandwich is completely ruined. High floor, low ceiling, a strong selection. This is your offensive line selection.

Grade: B

Round 3 Pick 1: Philly Cheesesteak, Carl

So I guess this would be like the mid-Atlantic version of the Italian Beef Sandwich. (Side note I didn't know these were regional until like two weeks ago) I live pretty close to Philly, so I'm exposed to many a cheesesteak and they are awesome. For anyone who heads to Philly, Geno's is the best in the city in my opinion. Solid selection in the third round, will play well with the east coast crowd.

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 2: Italian Beef and Sausage (combo), Jim

Not sure this is a great pick from Jim. It is a regional item that isn't like a "staple", this seems like it would be taking a chicken cheesesteak. Don't think the pick plays nationally.

Grade: C+

Round 3 Pick 3: Pulled Pork Sandwich, Chief

Great pick from Chief, incredibly good value in the third round. I have to agree that a pulled pork sandwich is a better sandwich than a brisket sandwich. I honestly like pulled pork more than brisket. Chief has a VERY good draft so far.

Grade: A 

Round 3 Pick 4: Chicken Parm Sandwich, Eddie

Very good value in the third round. I think it has a higher floor than a meatball sandwich because it is harder to mess up chicken. Love the pick.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 5: Cuban Sandwich, Dave

A good pick from Dave. Cubans are always solid. I don't really think it's anyone's favorite sandwich, but it is always a solid choice on the menu. Surprisingly, the first ham sandwich off the board. Solid pick.

Grade: B+

Round 4 Pick 1: Reuben, Dave

Corned Beef is the most underrated meat in the world. It is weird we only eat it on St Patrick's day or on Reuben sandwiches. I think the only problem with the pick is the fact that a decent amount of people don't like sauerkraut, so this pick could turn people away.

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 2: Gyro, Eddie

I personally don't love them, but I know the cult following they have. I think a lot of people are turned off by Tzatziki sauce, but then again enough people like them. Gyro meat is great as well. I think this is solid, but a bit polarizing of a pick.

Grade: B-

Round 4 Pick 3: Turkey Club, Chief

This was a smart pick from Chief. It adds value to his board without turning away too many people. It shapes up the draft really well. Won't win the draft, but definitely doesn't lose it. A good pick from Chief. 

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 4: Roast Pork Sandwich, Jim

A decent selection, probably a bit too regional. This isn't really the touristy sandwich of Philly, so not a lot of people know about it. Not an awesome pick and I don't think it really moves the people for people.

Grade: C+

Round 4 Pick 5: Buffalo Chicken Sandwich, Carl

Wow, incredible value in the fourth round. I mostly see these mostly in a wrap form and not a sandwich, but they are still really popular. A solid selection from Carl.

Grade: A-

Round 5 Pick 1: Ham Sandwich, Carl

I mean this is a bit of a wishy washy pick. He's putting in the caveat that it is the leftovers after Thanksgiving/Christmas which people won't immediately think of when they read ham sandwich. I don't really love this pick, it isn't exactly specific enough.

Grade: C+

Round 5 Pick 2: Cemita, Jim

I'm gonna be real. Jim got too cute with this draft. He picked too many things that are not well-known or are regionalized. If you need to explain what the sandwich is, your pick isn't that good.

Grade: D+

Round 5 Pick 3: Caprese Sandwich, Chief

Hmmmm. Good thing this was the fifth round because this isn't an awesome selection. It isn't bad, but I don't think it's awesome. However, this is a solid summer sandwich. I feel like I might be undervaluing this pick, but I don't know.

Grade: B

Round 5 Pick 4: Ice Cream Sandwich, Eddie

Wow, I've been blind-sided by this pick. With that being said, this is an incredible selection. Incredible. Insane value with the second to last pick.

Grade: A+

Round 5 Pick 5: Taylor ham/pork roll, Dave

Another regional pick. Not a bad pick, but I'm not sure how well this plays everywhere. It's a solid sandwich.

Grade: B

I'm gonna be completely honest, I don't think this draft should even be close. Chief dominated from start to finish.

Winner: Chief

Loser: Dave


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