Barstool Chicago Worst Days Draft Grades

The Chicago boys are back on this Super Bowl Monday drafting the worst days of the year. They are joined by KFC. This was a very even draft for the most part, hope you all enjoy.

 Round 1 Pick 1: Back from work after New Year's - KFC

Whether it's going back to work or school, the first day back from your break sucks. You're tired because your sleep schedule if fucked. You don't really want to listen about everyone else's holiday and you just wanna go home. 

Grade: A+ 

 Round 1 Pick 2: Monday after the Super Bowl - Eddie

There's a reason that people think it should be a federal holiday. It's the least productive day of the year and it's the end of the of the football season. What could be worse?

Grade: A+

 Round 1 Pick 3: First day of school - Carl

So I don't think this is an awesome pick because you're excited to see people you haven't seen in forever. You get dressed up in your new clothes, you hop on the bus. Don't get me wrong it does suck, but ti probably shouldn't have gone in the first round.

Grade: B+

 Round 1 Pick 4: The second day of school - Chief

This gives me the same energy of the fact that Tuesday is actually a worse day than Monday. All of the excitement is gone, you still probably don't have homework which is nice, but you are also really tired because you couldn't sleep from the first day of school.

Grade: A

 Round 1 Pick 5: Last Sunday of winter break - Dave

This pick stinks, sometimes New Year's is on like a Tuesday so the Sunday isn't even bad. This pick only happens once every 6-7 years. Honestly a really bad pick from Dave and I'm not sure why they didn't roast him on this.

Grade: D

 Round 2 Pick 1: Last day of Baseball season- Dave

Meh this is a pick that won't really be received well. If your team is good, there's almost 200 baseball games, so it stings a lot less than the Super Bowl. This pick could've been in the fifth round to be honest.

 Grade: C-

 Round 2 Pick 2: Fall Back (last day of daylight savings)- Chief

So they never got around to saying it but they meant fall back. This is a great pick because everyone hates losing the hour of sleep. Very solid pick, major Monday after Super Bowl vibes.

Grade: A

 Round 2 Pick 3: Tuesday after Labor Day- Carl

Great pick from Carl, for many people this is also the first day of school so that's also shitty. It's an all-time bad day because everyone loves summer and this is the unofficial end of the season. Good pick.

Grade: A

 Round 2 Pick 4: Monday after Thanksgiving- Eddie

Yeah I don't really think this is a bad pick, I mean I know it sucks to come back after an extended weekend, but it's also the start of the Christmas season. So it is bad, but I don't think it's one of the worst days of the year.

Grade: C+

 Round 2 Pick 5: Black Friday (If you have to work)- KFC

Also don't think it's a terrible pick, it sucks to work after Thanksgiving, but your office is empty so you basically get the day to yourself. But that's also a double-edged sword because you're alone. I think this is a better pick than the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Grade: B

 Round 3 Pick 1: Postseason Elimination - KFC

This is a sneaky good pick, it always sucks to see your team lose but when it's in the playoffs it hurts so much worse. It's an ultimate high to the ultimate low. It also sucks because your team get's trashed the next day if they do bad, which is ten times worse.

Grade: A

 Round 3 Pick 2: Day after Fourth of July break - Eddie

You're a little bit sunburnt, a bit hungover, and you're tired from the day. However this is still in the middle of Summer so the sting hurts less than the day after Labor Day.

Grade: B

 Round 3 Pick 3: Valentine's Day - Carl

If you're lonely it sucks because everyone else is having sex while you have to hit up the hub for the fifth time today. If you're in a relationship it's stressful and makes your wallet scream. Very bad situation.

Grade: A

 Round 3 Pick 4: Tuesday after Memorial Day - Chief

This is a day that is especially bad if you go on vacation for the weekend. You're probably sunburnt and hungover, and you're tired in the office. If you're still in school that is when Summer fatigue starts to hit when you really just don't wanna be there.

Grade: A

 Round 3 Pick 5: Any birthday after 30 - Dave

I'm not thirty yet, so I really can't talk from experience. But I feel like any Birthday is automatically a decent day because people treat you better. That doesn't change with age.

Grade: C

 Round 4 Pick 1: Day after St. Patrick's day weekend - Dave

Yeah this is an all-time hangover day which is why it stinks. However it's not as bas as some of the other days selected.

Grade: B

 Round 4 Pick 2: Mile day in gym - Chief

This is a steal of the draft. Nobody wanted to run the mile and there was also that asshole cross-country kid that had to show everyone up. It always seemed to land on a day that's freezing as well. It was also terrible if your gym teacher made you actually try. Wonderful pick from Chief.

Grade: A+

 Round 4 Pick 3: Moving Day - Carl

The whole moving experience is a massive headache. You always lose something in the boxes, when you get to your new place it feels weird. You have to move a ton of boxes, you have to meet new people, and it's all around bad. 

Grade: A-

 Round 4 Pick 4: New Year's Eve - Eddie

This is unfortunately a work day for a lot of people. It's weird because you want to go out but you also want to stay in. I don't think this is a terrible selection, but it's certainly an overrated holiday.

Grade: B

 Round 4 Pick 5: Monday after first weekend of March Madness - KFC

I'm not so sure about this pick, it sucks because you have tons of sports over the weekend and it's all taken away. But, spin zone, you have the best games of the tournament to look forward to.

Grade: C+

 Round 5 Pick 1: Tax Day - KFC

Kinda surprised this lasted until the fifth round because this probably could've been taken in the first or second. No one likes doing their taxes, especially when you have to drop a couple grand. It is also probably a nightmare for CPAs. Good pick.

Grade: A

 Round 5 Pick 2: Day after MLB All-Star Game - Eddie

It's certainly a boring day, it's pretty creative. It's also an awful day for gamblers. Solid pick but I don't think it moves the needle for everyone.

Grade: B-

 Round 5 Pick 3: First big snow of the year - Carl

Shoveling stinks, driving in the snow stinks, it's cold, your shoes and socks get wet if you don't have a good pair of boots. If it turns into slush it's even worse. However it's amazing if you get off of school/work so I think that keeps the pick from being an A.

Grade: B

 Round 5 Pick 4: Last day after NHL/NBA playoffs - Chief

This was a very safe pick from Chief. It's an awkward time because you can't really stay invested in baseball. However it's also in the Summer, so your mood is automatically better. 

Grade: B

 Round 5 Pick 5: First day back from Spring break - Dave

Meh, not really an awesome selection from Dave. It isn't really an awful day for a majority of people, and it ends ends when you're like 22 so it's only a bad day for less than a third of your life.

Grade: C

So this was an absolute horrible draft from Dave. It honestly might be his worst draft ever. Like I don't really think any of his picks are good. Everyone else was fairly competitive.

Predicted Winner: Chief

Predicted Loser: Dave by a landslide


  1. For Dave’s first rounder: It’s the Sunday (last day) of your winter break. I think you’re assuming everyone goes back to school on January 2


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