Barstool Chicago Adam Sandler Draft Grades

The Chicago crew is back to draft all things Adam Sandler. They are joined by resident funny guy and Pardon My Take co-host PFTCommenter, who is a personal friend of Mr. Sandler. Keep an eye out for Boner Dogs coming to a theater near you.

 Round 1 Pick 1: Billy Madison, Carl

I really don't think Billy Madison should be the number one pick. I think it was a big miss not taking Happy Gilmore, definitely should've been number one in my honest opinion. Billy is still a decent character, but I don't think it should've been number one.

Grade: A-

 Round 1 Pick 2: Chubb's Hand, Chief

So it was a good pick, but I think this could've definitely been selected later. But there is something to be said that the prop category is slim. Overall a solid pick, but taken too early.

Grade: A-

 Round 1 Pick 3: Happy Gilmore, Dave

I think this definitely should've gone number one. I've always found the Billy Madison voice to be annoying and that's the only movie I can tolerate it. I also find Happy to be a more relatable character.

Grade: A+

 Round 1 Pick 4: Shooter McGavin, Eddie

Definitely the number one villain in Sandler movies. I honestly can't think of one even close to this, phenomenal pick by Ed. We've all met an asshole like Shooter when golfing, so it's extra relatable and hateable.

Grade: A+

 Round 1 Pick 5: Bobby Boucher, PFT

He's a very good character, but he's not on the level of Happy and Billy. So I'm not sure how well it will look on the graphic in comparison. Maybe should've been taken in the second round. With that being said it's still a great character.

Grade: B+

Round 2 Pick 1: The Butler (Mr. Deeds), PFT 

He is filled with great one-liners and is probably the best side character in Sandler movies. He also is funnier than the main character which gives bonus points. 

Grade: A

 Round 2 Pick 2: Veronica Vaughn, Eddie

If we are talking purely about looks, I'm not sure Veronica is the number one option. But if we are talking about overall love interest characters, Veronica takes the cake. Everyone has had the teacher fantasy and Billy Madison gets to live it out. Great pick.

Grade: A

 Round 2 Pick 3: Green Playbook, Dave

The playbook helps the Mud Dogs win the Bourbon Bowl, but I feel as though it could've been taken in later rounds. I also feel as though the Waterboy is a movie that you forget about, so it might not play as well on the graphic.

Grade: B-

 Round 2 Pick 4: Glenn Guglia, Chief

It's been a hot minute since I've seen The Wedding Singer, but Guglia has an all-time punchable face. I'm not sure the name recognition is there like it is with Shooter, but it's a good pick.

Grade: B

 Round 2 Pick 5: Delivery Man (Big Daddy), Carl

I don't really think Big Daddy gets the recognition it deserves, so I'm not sure how well it will play on the graphic. However, he is filled with great one-liners. I also am interested to see if they use delivery guy or Nazo on the graphic because that could skew the pick.

Grade: B-

Round 3 Pick 1: Virginia Venit, Carl 

I mean the beer scene is incredible. Virginia is pretty similar to Veronica in the fact that she might not be the most attractive love interest in Sandler movies, but her character makes up for it. I also think Happy Gilmore, in general, will play better than most movies on the graphic.

Grade: A

 Round 3 Pick 2: Sonny Koufax, Chief

Great value in the third round. Not as great as Happy Gilmore or Billy Madison, but still a great character nonetheless. Kinda surprised it got to the third round, but I think a lot of people forget about this movie.

Grade: B

 Round 3 Pick 3: Eric Gordon, Dave

This is one of the few notable characters that actually tried to kill Adam Sandler. He's probably one of the biggest assholes in Sandler movies, so I think it's a great pick; especially in the third round.

Grade: A

 Round 3 Pick 4: Hockey Stick, Eddie

This definitely could've been a first-round selection. It's an all-time prop, I definitely think it was better than Dave's pick of the playbook. It's also just hilarious to see a hockey stick on the links.

Grade: A 

 Round 3 Pick 5: Julia Sullivan, PFT

Probably the most down-to-earth of the love interests in Sandler movies. She is probably the character you would want to date the most in real life.

Grade: B+

Round 4 Pick 1: Scuba Steve, PFT

Having a scuba diver as an action-figure is just plain funny, however, I'm not sure how well it will stack up with the other iconic props from Sandler's career. 

Grade: B-

 Round 4 Pick 2: Robby Hart, Eddie

Robby Hart is one of Sandler's most wholesome roles. On top of that, he is funny, as always. I think this pick has great value in the fourth round, especially because people love The Wedding Crasher

 Round 4 Pick 3: Farmer Fran, Dave

Pretty funny character. Fran isn't the most iconic character, but he's good for a laugh. Personally, I think Dave went too heavy on Waterboy in this draft, especially since that isn't Sandler's most famous movie. However, this pick is solid.

Grade: B-

 Round 4 Pick 4: Mr. Larson, Chief

Everyone loves a good dumb character and Mr. Larson is that. However, I'm really not sure how memorable Mr. Larson is, especially when there are other good side characters in the same movie.

Grade: B-

 Round 4 Pick 5: Glacier Water, Carl

It really wasn't even the best prop in the movie, that goes to the playbook. Also on the graphic when you just see some water, it probably won't move the needle for many people.

Grade: C+

Round 5 Pick 1: Hal L Orderly, Carl

 So he's not the best villain in his own movie, so he's just gonna end up getting overshadowed by Shooter McGavin. But Hal is certainly funny. Unfortunately for Carl that these are back-to-back meh picks.

Grade: C+

 Round 5 Pick 2: Donna Newman, Chief

Kate Beckinsale is a smoke, but I don't really think she is the hottest character from a Sandler movie. Click also isn't a wildly popular movie like the rest of them so I don't know how this will do.

Grade: C

 Round 5 Pick 3: Alex McDonough, Dave

Alright, this is the last love interest pick and I am so disappointed that Selma Hayek's character wasn't drafted, clearly, she is the most attractive love interest. Anyways, Alex is a decent pick but she is from a forgettable movie and I don't think it will do well on the graphic. 

Grade: C-

 Round 5 Pick 4: Bus Driver, Eddie

The Bus driver was a solid pick. He had a lot of good one-liners and was pretty funny. I think this helps to solidify Eddie's strong draft.

Grade: B+

 Round 5 Pick 5: O'Doyle Family, PFT

A pretty big group of assholes. We can all relate to the misfit family at our school that was always fucking shit up. This one just happened to be bullies. Solid pick but I don't think it moves the needle too much.

Grade: B-

Overall this was a tough draft to grade because it's been a while since I've seen some of these movies. Also, everything they selected was pretty iconic so there aren't any outwardly bad picks. 

Predicted Winner: Eddie

Predicted Loser: PFT


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