Barstool Chicago Triggering Sounds Draft Grades


Best Pick: Microphone Feedback

It isn't something you hear often, but when you do you hate it. Good pick.

Worst Pick: Bees

I don't find the sound of bees to be particularly annoying. Most of the time I don't even notice them.

Grade: B-


Best Pick: Other people kissing

Now if it is other people just giving each other a little peck, who cares? However, if it is other people making out it is just incredibly annoying. On top of being an annoying sound, it is just kinda weird to make out in public. Good value late in the draft.

Worst Pick: Sniffling

This is another one I just don't find to be particularly annoying. During a test maybe, but overall not that bad. 

Grade: B


Best Pick: Smoke Detector Beep

The worst. Not only is it annoying, but you then have to go find the smoke detector. It also only seems to happen at the least convenient times. 

Worst Pick: Cell Phone Keyboard

This is actually a sound I find to be soothing and not annoying in the slightest. Bad pick.

Grade: C


Best Pick: Nails on a Chalkboard

Great pick. Everyone hates this and is the stereotype for bad sounds. Can't believe it went fourth overall, should've been first. 

Worst Pick: Cardboard Rubbing

Not even a bad pick but something had to go here. I don't find the sound super annoying but could see how people do find it annoying. 

Grade: A


Best Pick: Car Alarm

This is an annoying sound that typically does not go away very quickly because the person doesn't know. It is bad and always makes you a little frightened. 

Worst Pick: Whistle Off Football Helmet

This is worded poorly which I think brings the pick down. However, the actual content of the pick is spot on.

Grade: A-

I think Eddie and Carl will be close, but Eddie's draft is slightly better this week.

Predicted Winner: Eddie

Predicted Loser: Chief


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