Barstool Chicago States Civil War Draft Grades

White Sox Dave

Best Pick: Texas

I mean this was pretty obvious. It is a big state with a lot of guns and military personnel, it has advantageous geography, a ton of money, and many natural resources. This was a slam dunk.

Worst Pick: Washington DC

Dave actually had a solid draft besides this. Washington DC has a small, anti-war, anti-gun, and non-patriotic population. It has no geographic advantages. However, it does have a ton of money, which was overlooked. 

Grade: B


Best Pick: Tennessee

Underrated pick. It is a very large population of people who like guns. It has very good geographic advantages with the mountains and access to a few major rivers. It is landlocked which is not the best, but overall good in the fifth. 

Worst Pick: Hawaii

Holy crap, Hawaii as your first overall pick?! What are you thinking Ed? I don't get that. I understand some advantages, but it is so small and has an old and small population. 

Grade: C+


Best Pick: North Dakota

I think all of his picks are pretty good, but North Dakota in the third round is a tremendous value. It has a plethora of natural resources and it has resilient citizens. 

Worst Pick: Louisiana

I don't think it is a bad pick, but it is the worst of the bunch. Louisiana is an incredibly poor state, which I think isn't great. 

Grade: A


Best Pick: Alaska

Now, this is a pick. Alaska has incredible geographic and natural resource advantages. The Alaskan population is small but tough. Also, I recently found out Alaska is a state with the most pilots, which could be useful in a war.

Worst Pick: Oregon

I mean I don't want to stereotype but... does anyone in Oregon even know how to use a gun? 

Grade: A-


Best Pick: Virginia

Great naval base in Norfolk, tons of money in the north, a good mix of rednecks and wealthy elites, and good geography. I love the pick.

Worst Pick: New Mexico

I don't think this is a terrible pick, however, it has a small population and is right next to Texas which is not ideal. 

Grade: A-

I think Donnie, Chief, and Chaps all had strong drafts. I think it was crazy Donnie could get both Florida and California, which I think ultimately leads to him winning. I think Chaps has a good draft but he has no blue-chip recruits like the others. 

Predicted Winner: Donnie

Predicted Loser: Dave, but it isn't his fault Eddie has a worse draft but he has already been clowned for the DC pick. 


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