Barstool Chicago Soccer Draft Grades


Best Pick: Fan Passion

Good pick in the fifth round. While I do think the US gets too much hate for having lame fans, some soccer fans are just crazy. I mean there are fans that will literally kill for their teams in some South American countries. They are just so passionate. 

Worst Pick: Clarity on Roster Construction

I don't really understand this. I feel like it is no more or less confusing than other sports. I mean Carl is a baseball fan and that is way more confusing than soccer. 

Grade: C


Best Pick: Team Loyalty

One thing that is not very common in Europe is the bandwagon fan. You very rarely see someone living in London rooting for a team three hours away. Not so much in the US. I mean people would rather root for the third-tier club instead of a prem team, which is crazy to me. 

Worst Pick: You can take anyone

Yeah, this is a terrible pick actually. US sports are much better for taking your whole family. First, if you ever look at a soccer crowd is it about 90% dudes. There are no women at those games. Second, a lot of the games are definitely not family-friendly. I mean would you want to bring your kids to a game where they are literally setting off firecrackers and flares in the crowd? I think not. On the contrary, the US games are catered to families. 

Grade: B+

Person 3

Best Pick: 2 Hour matches

Yup, I love this about soccer. There are no stops, you're in and you're out. Something that the US should definitely implement into their sports, although they never will. 

Worst Pick: Red Cards

Not even a bad pick, just the worst pick of what he had. Eddie truly had a great draft. 

Grade: A+


Best Pick: Relegation

Relegation is awesome. It makes things so much more intense and it makes late-season games meaningful. In the US nobody cares about a Pirates vs Nationals matchup in August, but if one of those teams was demoted, people would care a lot more. 

Worst Pick: National Anthem

I don't get this. He kept mentioning Buffon, but he isn't like anything out of the ordinary. Pretty much every national team does this. IDK felt like an odd pick.

Grade: A-


Best Pick: Unifying the Country

I like this. It is definitely a nice part of international sporting events. The US is so patriotic that they will rally just about any sports team. 

Worst Pick: Make goals worth ten

This was the first-round pick? Yikes. I don't think anyone in the US would view soccer differently if games ended 30 to 20. 

Grade: B-

Predicted Winner: Eddie

Predicted Loser: Carl


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