Barstool Chicago HBO Character Draft Grades

Round 1 Pick 1: Tony Soprano, Chief

This was the most obvious 1-1 of all time. He is the most recognizable character in HBO history IMO. Whoever had one was probably taking him. Good pick.

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 2: Larry David, KFC

Um, what? Don't get me wrong Larry David is awesome, but second overall? Really? I just don't see it. He deserves to get drafted but this is too high for me.

Grade: B+

Round 1 Pick 3: Kenny Powers, Carl

Powers is a fine pick, but Carl said it himself, he was taken too high. While I respect the spite pick, it can only get you so far. 

Grade: B-

Round 1 Pick 4: Rust Cohle, Eddie

Too bad this show was only good for one season. Cohle was a great character. Added to the fact that it is McConaughey playing him and you get the recipe for a good pick. However, I think it was drafted a bit too high as the show is remembered for being incredibly average after the first season, therefore he may not be as well remembered.

Grade: A-

Round 1 Pick 5: Dick Winters, Dave

Band of Brothers is an incredible show that I feel does not get enough love. It is a truly good war drama and Winters is a great character. However, I don't think he is quite a big enough star to be in the first round.

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 1: Arya Stark, Dave

What? Arya was like maybe the sixth or seventh best character in Game of Thrones (probably lower tbh) much less the sixth best HBO character overall. I mean what was Dave thinking here? I honestly don't think she even deserves to be drafted at all.

Grade: F

Round 2 Pick 2: Omar Little, Eddie

Good pick from Eddie. It's a smart pick to me. You take the most popular character from a good series, no matter how good the actual character is (if you wanna win). Besides that, Omar is just a badass and the whistle is just so bone-chilling.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 3: Paulie Walnuts, Carl

Awesome pick. Definitely the best name on the board. I think that helps him be so memorable, but he was just an awesome character. Very good pick from Carl.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 4: Tyrion Lannister, KFC

Incredible pick. He probably would've been my first pick on the GOT board. He was funny, cunning, and knew how to play the game. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 5: Ari Gold, Chief

I love Entourage. It is probably my favorite TV show. How Ari almost fell to the third round is remarkable. He would've been my second overall pick after Tony Soprano. Want an absolute steal from Chief. He is clearly in poll position after the first two rounds.

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 1: Marty Hart, Chief

Hart is a fine pick in the third round. I feel like he was worth drafting, but not in the early rounds. True Detective is a good show and it wouldn't be the same without Hart.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 2: Logan Roy, KFC

I don't know succession really. However if he is the main character, I am sure it will end up being a good pick. Sorry for not that much analysis, but I just don't know.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 3: Sandor Clegane, Carl

The Hound was pretty good. I probably wouldn't have drafted him, but I can see why he did. He was just such a badass and had a great storyline with Arya. I think it is fine that he went in the third round, it isn't too early. But I don't love the pick overall.

Grade: B

Round 3 Pick 4: Roman Roy, Eddie

Same thing as Logan. I just don't know. The guys seemed to think that Roma was a better character, but I really don't know how to grade. The show is popular and he is a popular character. *shrug*

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 5: Rue Bennett, Dave

I think Rue the character is overrated, however I think the fact that Euphoria is so popular really helps Dave here. So I don't personally love the pick, but I think it will do well for Dave.

Grade: A-

Round 4 Pick 1: Stevie Janowski, Dave

Everyone loves an idiot and that's what our guy stevie is. He is a good character and it makes sense to have him go in the fourth round. Pretty good pick from Dave.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 2: Cassie Howard, Eddie

I'll pre-bonk myself so nobody else can. I think this is a tremendous pick for multiple reasons. First, she's hot so obviously, people will vote for her. Second, Euphoria is just such a popular show. A good pick all around for Eddie.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 3: Peacemaker, Carl

Now, this is a bad pick. I have heard Peacemaker is good, but who the hell watches this show? Not great for Carl. Props to him for not pandering though.

Grade: D

Round 4 Pick 4: Selina Meyer, KFC

This is another show I don't know too much about. I know people really like Veep and she is the main character. I think a lot of people just like JLD in general so that helps. KFC will definitely get the Seinfeld fans vote with his draft.

Grade: A-

Round 4 Pick 5: Ramsay Bolton, Chief

So I think Ramsay is a great character. But it may be tough for people to separate the art from the artist on this one. I mean he is just such a scumbag people may not want to vote for him. Plus he doesn't get the anti-hero treatment like Walter White or Tony Soprano would. So it is a good pick but I wouldn't say it is an amazing one. 

Grade: B

Round 5 Pick 1: Jonah Ryan, Chief

Solid character, don't have a lot to say because I haven't seen the show. However his name recognition might not be quite as big as some other left on the board in my opinion. 

Grade: B

Round 5 Pick 2: Al Swearengen, KFC

Very interesting pick. I feel like Deadwood is simply not as popular as the other shows. However I don't think the pick is bad. But I don't love it, if that makes sense. It is just an ok pick.

Grade: B-

Predicted Winner: Chief

Predicted Loser: Dave

Round 5 Pick 3: Stringer Bell, Carl

I think it was smart to get a character from The Wire and Carl got the second best one. It is pretty good value in the fifth as well. He is a badass and Idris Elba plays him very well. It is also funny to hear Elba doing a Baltimore accent after I found out he was British. Well done.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 4: Christopher Moltisanti, Eddie

Yup, solid pick in the fifth round. Christopher was probably the most relatable character in the Sopranos IMO. I mean obviously none of them are that relatable but he kinda was the screwup just always trying to make things right. Good pick.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 5: Johnny Drama, Dave

Drama is definitely the second best character in Entourage and taking him in the fifth is very good value. He is probably the only other Entourage character I would've taken, besides maybe Turtle? Anyways I think most people like him and Drama was just funny. Good pick but I don't think it is enough to win Dave the draft.

Grade: A


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