Barstool Chiago Disgusting Behaviors Draft Grades

Round 1 Pick 1: Bare Feet on a Plane, Carl

Well, this is an interesting one. If you were wearing socks, it is definitely weird to take your shoes and socks off on a plane, but if you were wearing flip-flops doing this isn't that weird. So I think the pick overall is good, but there is one caveat that can make it acceptable. 

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 2: Trimming Nail in Public, Nick

Do people even do this? I have never seen this but can just imagine how disgusting it would be. Toenails in particular are just so disgusting. I think I would throw up if I saw someone doing this, especially if it was a restaurant. Good pick.

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 3: Sharing Deodorant, Eddie

Alright, this is obviously gross, but I don't think it is the third grossest thing you can do. Also, does this mean doing it once or regularly? If you do it regularly, jail, but one time is just kinda gross. Not that great of a pick to me.

Grade: B

Round 1 Pick 4: Leaving Facial Hair in the Sink, Chief

Meh. This is a reach. It takes like two seconds to clean facial hair from a sink and it really isn't that gross to me. I feel like this was drafted too high. it is gross but not as gross as some other things drafted.

Grade: B-

Round 1 Pick 5: Not Cleaning Toilet Regularly, Dave

So, how often is regularly? Dave saying that he cleans his toilet every other day is way too much. Does he throw trash in it or something? I think every other week is a solid amount of time in between cleaning toilets if you are a single guy. Anyways, I think the pick is fine, there are way more disgusting moves imo.

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 1: Not Pulling Hair out of Drain, Dave

Solid pick from Dave. Hair is just kinda gross in general and being in a drain is much grosser than being in a sink. Also long hair is much grosser than short hair, idk why it just is. I just have a personal pet peeve of hair in the drain and hate when it builds up. Disgusting.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 2: Not Cleaning Pee Off of Seat, Chief

Yeah piss on the seat is gross. No shame in hitting the seat every once in a while, but you gotta clean it up. I mean what if someone accidentally sits in it, gross. I like the pick from Chief, not only is it disgusting it is just human decency to clean up the seat. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 3: Leaving Loogie in Water Fountain, Eddie

This one is only mildly gross. Like there are way more disgusting things to me. It is just like not a big inconvenience to me and its not like you're drinking it. Idk maybe it's just me. 

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 4: Wiping Boogers on Stuff, Nick

Yeah this is gross. It's one thing to pick your nose, whatever, gross but deal with it. But to leave your boogers around is really gross. I mean everyone has done this at some point in their life and probably felt bad about it, but yeah it is just gross.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 5: Leaving Band-Aid in Pool, Carl

I'm kinda in the middle on this pick. Like it is gross to do, but it isn't something that is really your fault. If you have a band aid and it slips off in the pool, try and grab it. But if it sinks down to the bottom, what are you gonna do? So not the best pick to me. 

Grade: C+

Round 3 Pick 1: The Bar Mat Shot, Carl

I have no idea why anyone would do this to themselves. I mean there is probably sweat, spit, dirt, hair, and more in these bar mats. Why would you want to put that into your body? Gross.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 2: Popping Zits in the Mirror, Nick

I don't really think this is that gross. Where else are you supposed to pop your zits? I mean it is gross if your mirror is disgusting because you don't clean up, but just doing it isn't that gross to me.

Grade: C

Round 3 Pick 3: Putting Gum Under the Table, Eddie

Yeah, this is awful. If you do this you are just a bad person on top of being disgusting. It is the worst when you feel gum under the table. Very good pick and great value in the third round.

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 4: Not Throwing Tissues Away, Chief

Yeah this is just gross. When you have a bunch of tissues, you are usually sick. So not throwing them away is extra gross in that stance. Tissues are just ugly and gross. They have mucus just stuck in them and they are gross for other people to touch. Good pick from Chief. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 5: Eating Boogers, Dave

Yeah eating boogers is gross. We all pick our nose every once in a while, we're human. But eating the boogers is pretty gross. Definitely a worthy pick for Dave.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 1: Cigs in the Middle of the Night, Dave

Well this is a curveball. I think smoking cigarettes, in general, is kinda disgusting, but I digress. Just a very odd thing to put in here, it just doesn't make that much sense to me. 

Grade: C

Round 4 Pick 2: Scooping Peanut Butter with Fingers, Chief

What?! Is this a thing people do? I mean this is obviously disgusting, but I can't grade it very highly because it is just something that people do not do. For example, if someone drafted filling their shoes with piss and drinking it, I'd think that is gross, but it just isn't something very common. Obviosuly that is a hyperbole and scooping peanut butter happens more often, it is not often enough to grade highly to me.

Grade: C

Round 4 Pick 3: Letting Dip Spitter Get too Full, Eddie

I don't dip nor do I have any friends that dip, so I can't say I've encountered this. But, from what I do know, this seems awful. It smells and if you accidentally spill it, it is disgusting. Solid pick.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 4: Sneezing Without Covering, Nick

Yeah good pick. Sneezing out in to the open is bad and you never know what new disease is being spread this week (i.e. Monkey Pox lol). Also we have established that boogers are gross and having them flying around is not something good.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 5: Having Sex With a Girl on her Period, Carl

Yeah this is pretty gross. Not a whole lot of commentary on the issue, just don't do it.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 1: Farting on Elevators, Carl

I don't really know if this is gross more unfortunate. Purposely farting in the elevator is disgusting behavior, but doing it on accident is just something you can't help. I just don't think it lines up as nicely with the others. 

Grade: B

Round 5 Pick 2: Scratching your Ass then Sniffing, Nick

Scratching your butt in public is gross, then adding a sniff takes it to another level. It is also hilarious because everyone tries to hide it and nobody can. Honestly it is probably better to just own up to it instead of trying to hide it. Either way solid pick from Nick right here who built a very strong draft.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 3: Picking Up Road Kill Bare-handed, Eddie

Good pick here for Ed. Picking up dead animals with your hands is definitely a disgusting behavior. Not much to say about it, just gross. However this is similar to the Chief peanut butter pick in the fact that how common is it. I would honestly imagine it is more common than the peanut butter one, but not muchmore.

Grade: B-

Round 5 Pick 4: Shaking Out Dandruff, Chief

Yeah this is pretty gross. Not much to stay about it, I feel like a lot of people would agree with this.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 5: Using a Handkerchief, Dave 

This isn't that gross, to me at least. I would rather someone use a handkerchief instead of sneezing into the air. Not a good pick in my opinion, but maybe that is unpopular. 

Grade: D

Solid draft right here by everyone. I think I have to go with Nickly Clicky on this one, just a very solid draft to me. 

Predicted Winner: Nick

Predicted Loser: Chief


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