Barstool Chicago Movie Dog Draft Grades

This was a pretty good draft this week. I always like when Big Cat is on because he really mixes well with the usual guys. Very good show, hope you enjoy the grades. 

Round 1 Pick 1: Brian (Family Guy), Dave

I think this is a pretty good pick. I wouldn't have gone with it first overall, but I think a first-round pick works for Brian. Brian is funny, I'd say the third funniest character on Family Guy. Overall a pretty good pick from Dave, but wouldn't have gone first for me.

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 2: Scooby-Doo, Eddie

Can't believe Dave even attempted to slander this pick. Scooby is just an absolute legend. This was my favorite cartoon as a kid and I think a lot of people would've picked this here. I think this could've been a first overall pick. 

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 3: Shadow (Homeward Bound), Chief

Decent pick. I liked the movie as a kid, however, I'm not sure I would've picked this in the first round. I feel like there are better dogs in the first round. So I think the pick is alright but probably would've been better in the second or third round. 

Grade: B

Round 1 Pick 4: The Beast (Sandlot), Big Cat

Great pick right here. Everyone was terrified of this dog as a kid, but it was the nicest dog in the world. Really shows a great lesson in not judging a book by its cover. I also think you get a lot of people that just love The Sandlot, which will help earn votes. 

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 5: Air Bud, Carl

I think I would've probably picked Air Bud first overall. An absolute legend, one of the best basketball players of all time. Incredible value at fifth overall in my honest opinion. 

Grade: A+

Round 2 Pick 1: Santa's Little Helper, Carl

Good pick from Carl. Very iconic dog. I think it helps because so many different generations like the Simpsons. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 2: Taco Bell Chihuahua, Big Cat

It's a good dog, but it isn't the best in my opinion. First it's from a commercial, so I think it may not get as great of a reception as some others. However, I still think it is a strong pick due to its uniqueness. 

Grade: A-

Round 2 Pick 3: Hooch, Chief

A strong pick from Chief. Turner and Hooch is a great movie. Also Tom Hanks has the power to get some votes. Overall it is a pretty good pick for Chief to me, a good spot in the second round. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 4: Pluto, Eddie

I think Pluto is a pretty strong pick. But it is a weird character to draft, especially round 2. I think it is good for the disney vote, but Pluto is like less than a side character. So it is a good pick but not amazing,

Grade: B-

Round 2 Pick 5: Goofy, Dave

Goofy is such a good character that he has a plethora of his own movies. He is amazing in the Goofy movie and really good in the regular Mickey Mouse cartoons. Just a very good character. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 1: Slinky, Dave

Good pick. Really plays into nostalgia pretty well. Slinky isn't my favorite of the side characters in Toy Story, but he is pretty great. Him saving Woody in the second movie was awesome and one of the most memorable parts of my movie watching childhood. Good pick.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 2: Odie, Eddie

I don't love the pick. Odie has no personality in the comics. He can't talk. We know very little about the character. I mean the comic is funny, but Odie is just meh. I think third round was a reach.

Grade: C

Round 3 Pick 3: Beethoven, Chief

Strong selection from Chief. I enjoy the Beethoven movies. He's a good dog and the movies were always funny. With that being said, I feel like the movies are just not memorable, like I don't even remember the plot to the film and I know I've seen them multiple times. Beethoven is still memorable though so I give it kudos. 

Grade: B

Round 3 Pick 4: Hubert the Bloodhound, Big Cat

I've never seen the movie and it may seem like the movie in general isn't as popular. So this is an ok pick in the fourth round, but it may not get as many votes as some of the other dogs drafted. 

Grade: B-

Round 3 Pick 5: Milo, Carl

Milo was a great character. I just really liked the show as a kid, it was fun. Not much to say, just a good pick. Not bad not great.

Grade: B+

Round 4 Pick 1: Dug (Up), Carl

Incredible pick from Carl. It might not get the love it deserves as their audience may be a bit older and potentially may have not seen Up. So holistically looking at the pick, the actual dog is a good pick however I think the movie may be too new thus not getting as many votes as some of the other dogs that could have been taken. 

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 2: Bruiser, Big Cat

I think double Chihuahua is a bad move from Big Cat. Everyone knows that, in general. chihuahuas are one of the least liked dogs. So picking two of them is bad optics on the graphic. 

Grade: C

Round 4 Pick 3: Einstein (Back to the Future), Chief

I think this pick is just ok. Einstein the dog has a very limited role in the movie. However the movie is incredibly famous which gives it a little bit of a boost. Overall not the best pick.

Grade: C

Round 4 Pick 4: Blue (Blue's Clues), Eddie

I always think it is a smart move when people go for the nostalgic pick. Everyone watched Blue's Clues when they were younger. It was a staple for many years. So getting something everyone can relate to in the fourth round will always have tremendous value to me. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 5: Snoopy, Dave

Holy cow what a pick from Dave. Honestly Snoopy could be a first round pick, maybe even first overall. Honestly, one of the most versatile dogs in the game. He's a fighter pilot for Christ's sake. Unbelievable. 

Grade: A+

Round 5 Pick 1: Spike (Rugrats), Dave

Everyone loves rugrats and Spike was a good dog. Great pick in the fifth round to end a pretty strong draft from Dave. 

Grade: A-

Round 5 Pick 2: Clifford, Eddie

I liked Clifford, one of my favorite cartoons as a kid. I think there is just so much name recognition with the pick that it is a good one.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 3: White Fang, Chief

Good name, meh pick. Not a ton of people are gonna know who this dog is, but it's a fifth rounder so who cares? Not a ton of juice behind this.

Grade: C

Round 5 Pick 4: Porkchop, Big Cat

I was too young to watch Doug. It wasn't in my generation. It seems like a good pick though because the show was pretty popular.

Grade: A-

Round 5 Pick 5: Pongo, Carl

Everyone likes 101 Dalmations and Pongo was a good dog. Anything Disney will get votes and 101 Dalmations is probably one of the more famous movies on this list. Good pick from Carl.

Grade: A-

I don't really think any of the drafts this week are phenomenal, but Dave's is better than the rest, so he probably wins.

Predicted Winner: WhiteSox Dave

Predicted Loser: Chief


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