Barstool Chicago Hungover Draft

Happy New Year everyone! The dog walk is back drafting things that relate to a hangover. They are joined by the current Barstool party expert, Briana Chickenfry. Hope everyone enjoys what I have to say. 

Round 1 Pick 1: Water, Carl

Strong pick from Carl, but I don't think it should've been first overall. Probably a first-round pick though. I think it should've been Gatorade first overall. But I digress. I think the pick will get a lot of votes and pretty much everyone will think it is a good pick. 

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 2: Ginger Ale, Bri

Good pick, but probably could've been taken later in the draft. I think it is good because it is always used as a cold remedy so your brain tricks itself into thinking it is actually helping. The only problem is that most people really don't have ginger ale readily available so it might not get as many voters because people don't associate the two. 

Grade: A-

Round 1 Pick 3: McGriddle Meal, Eddie

The McGriddle is great because of the mix of sweet and salty. You get the salt from the bacon mixing with the syrup. A great way to start the day and try and get rid of the hangover. 

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 4: Sausage McMuffin, Chief

Kind of rough from Chief. I feel like the sausage McMuffin is the less popular of the McMuffin family. With that being said it is still a good pick.

Grade: A-

Round 1 Pick 5: Authentic Steak Burrito, Dave

The thing with the steak burrito is, it makes you shit. I can't think of a worse combo than being violently hungover and sitting on the toilet sitting my brains out. While it does help you fight your hangover it can be a risk not worth taking in my opinion. 

Grade: B-

Round 2 Pick 1: Mimosa, Dave

I like Dave's logic in thinking the best way to get over the hangover is to get drunk, but I think this is a bad pick. Most people probably think "man I can't drink", not "man I can't wait to get drunk again". So not the best pick in my opinion.

Grade: C

Round 2 Pick 2: McDonald's Sprite, Chief

I like the pick. You get a bit of energy, the carbonation helps to ease the stomach a bit. McDonald's sprite also tastes different than other Sprite, so there is that. I like the pick, but think other drinks on the board are better.

Grade: B

Round 2 Pick 3: Long Drive, Eddie

Really depends. If you're driving, it is terrible, absolutely awful. But if you're just in the car it isn't as bad. Now it depends on how long the drive is. If it's like three hours long that is way worse than an hour-long drive. Overall I don't think it is as bad as some other obligations though because at least you can sleep or zone out. 

Grade: C+

Round 2 Pick 4: Flying, Bri

This is absolutely awful. First, you have to get to the airport, check-in, and go through security. That is bad. Then you have to get on the plane where you are sitting there with screaming babies, changing pressure, someone is kicking your seat. Just absolute hell. You also have no control, like if you need to pull over the car to get some fresh air, you can't do that on a plane. Great pick, much better than a car drive in my opinion. 

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 5: Work, Carl

Good pick. You have to get up early and drive in. Then have to be alert for eight hours before you can just check out for the day. You also have to try and hide it a bit, which can be very troublesome if you have a bad headache. You also get the snide comments at the watercooler when people are like "rough night eh?" It's a good pick that most people can relate with.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 1: Weed, Carl

Good pick. It calms you down, helps you relax a little bit. It makes you hungry for all of the food you want to eat. The one problem is smoking it can be a bit of a pain, so you probably have to go the edible route to be more effective. Strongpick from Carl though.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 2: Big Mac Meal, Bri

I actually love the lunch food pick right here. McDonald's burgers are heavy enough that they fill you up but light enough that they don't make you sick. You also have a bunch of greasy fries which taste so good. Wash it all down with a coke and you feel better. Good pick from Bri.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 3: Bath House, Eddie

I think this is a good pick because you sweat out all of the bad stuff, but not many people can really relate to this. So I think the idea is good, but don't think it will really help him win. 

Grade: C

Round 3 Pick 4: Talking to Parents, Chief

Not a bad pick from Chief. However I think it is one that is a bit easier to avoid. I guess you don't want to talk to them to show how bad you were last night. Overall it is more of an annoyance than something you dread doing, so for that I have to give it a slightly worse grade.

Grade: B

Round 3 Pick 5: Yard Work, Dave

This is a problem for when you're younger. If you have your own place you can just avoid this easily, but if you're still at your parents place it is a pain. I would say the main chore would be mowing the lawn which is awful if it is hot and you have to push the lawn mower. With all of this being said, I think that it is something that you eventually age out of and therefore gets marginally better over time.

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 1: Pawn Stars, Dave

A good, mindless program to get your mind off your hangover. It's nice because there isn't really a plot and you're just watching people bring in weird shit to the shop. Good pick from Dave.

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 2: House Hunters, Chief

I love this pick. It is so mindless and mostly about just seeing things instead of actually paying attention. There is no plot to the show and you just get to see interesting houses. Maybe most people won't have the same sentiment, but I think it is a pretty good pick. 

Grade: B+

Round 4 Pick 3: The Office, Eddie

The good thing about the Office is that you've seen it before, so it is a bit comforting. It is honestly pretty mindless and good to just start feeling better.

Grade: A-

Round 4 Pick 4: SVU, Bri

A little bit too heavy for me. If I feel like shit I don't want to watch a show about people being raped and the trial/investigatoin that goes along with it. That's just my opinion. 

Grade: B

Round 4 Pick 5: Armageddon, Carl

I don't really think this is the best mindless movie. I think something funny is much better than an action movie about the world ending. Also I think movies in general aren't the greatest for hangovers because they take 2-3 hours. 

Grade: B-

Round 5 Pick 1: Diner Skillet, Carl

Strong pick from Carl. The skillet has a wide variety of different flavors and is really greasy. It helps to make you feel better. It is also usually pretty cheap and I think a diner is better than a McDonald's because you're getting waited on, you don't have to go through a drive-through or to way at the counter.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 2: Jumping in a pool, Bri

Interesting pick to me. It is something that only works like 3-4 months of the year. Also if you don't have a pool you can't really relate. I guess if you're on vacation then it is also nice. But if it is the winter and you don't live in Florida or somewhere else that is warm in the winter, it really doesn't apply to you. So I don't think the pick is that great to me. 

Grade: C

Round 5 Pick 3: Gatorade, Eddie

This should've been a first round pick. I don't even know how this wasn't taken until now. This is crazy. What a pick.

Grade: A+

Round 5 Pick 4: Cold Shower, Chief

Strong pick from Chief. It wakes you up and makes you feel fresh. Cold showers give you a lot of energy, which is good for when you're hungover. However it is uncomfortable and sometimes that isn't what you need when you are feeling bad.

Grade: B+

Round 5 Pick 5: Shower Naps, Dave

This pick is just so creative I have to give it a good grade. A warm shower helps you to sweat out your toxins and you get a little bit of rest to help fight the hangover. I think this is a hilarious pick from Dave.

Grade: A

I don't think this week is close, Carl wins in a landslide. Every pick was pretty good.

Predicted Winner: Carl

Predicted Loser: Eddie


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