Barstool Chicago Freakouts Draft Grades

Round 1 Pick 1: Ron Artest, Eddie

Pretty solid first overall pick right here. By far the best sports freakout in my opinion. It also has an incredible name, Malice at the Palace, I mean just an incredible name and an incredible freakout. 

Grade: A+

Round 1 Pick 2: Carl (Double Doink), Carl

Interesting selection. I think the video is funny and certainly worth drafting, but second overall seems like a pretty big stretch. According to Carl this is the second biggest famous freakout, which I don't agree with. I don't even think it is the second biggest Barstool freakout. A big reach.

Grade: C

Round 1 Pick 3: Bill O'Reilly, Nate

Great and quotable video. The fact that he freaks out and then just goes to complete calmness to read the news makes it even better. Very strong start for Nate. 

Grade: A

Round 1 Pick 4: Kanye West (VMA), Chief

I don't really see this as a freakout. Like I guess in the literal sense Kanye freaked out because Taylor won, but he wasn't screaming, yelling, throwing things, etc. that you would see in a normal freakout. He just interrupted Taylor Swift. Overall, not the best pick. 

Grade: C+

Round 1 Pick 5: Bagel Boss Guy, Dave

Incredible. It just goes on for so long. He freaks out for like five minutes straight. I just wish I knew what started it. It is also hilarious when he is arguing with the workers and can't even see over the counter. Just a truly great video.

Grade: A+

Round 2 Pick 1: Rico Bosco, Dave

As a Ryder, this pick is terrible! However, if I wasn't a Ryder, I would say this is an incredible pick especially due to the recency bias behind the pick. I mean Big T could've had a concussion if that bad boy landed. Good pick, a great freakout.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 2: George Brett, Chief

As a young baseball fan, the first time I saw this, I thought it was the craziest thing ever. I legitimately believed George Brett was going to beat the umpire over the head with his bat. It is an absolutely absurd freakout. 

Grade: A+

Round 2 Pick 3: Leave Britney Alone, Nate

This was a classic video. I love videos like this when people are just crying about a celebrity, so funny. It is a good freakout and I feel like everyone has probably seen it. Very good pick form Nate.

Grade: A

Round 2 Pick 4: Charlie Sheen, Carl

I don't love the pick. Like this was a long drawn out spiral into madness, not just a freakout. So bad pick for me, especially in the second round. 

Grade: D

Round 2 Pick 5: Michael Richards (Kramer), Eddie

Wow, just wow. This is a crazy video. Like I can't believe this happened. this is a FREAK out that can't really even be compared to the others. I don't even know what to write about this it's just so shocking. A very strong pick.

Grade: A+

Round 3 Pick 1: Brandon Walker, Eddie

If this was a week ago, this would've been the number one Barstool freakout. I mean Brandon shoved a man. Also Devlin is such a douche IMO. All in all a good pick for me.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 2: Lee Elia, Carl

I have no idea what this pick is. I mean it is a crazy freakout, however I think Nate was right in the fact that people outside of Chicago will not know what this is. Good freakout, bad pick. Also, this definitely isn't

Grade: C

Round 3 Pick 3: Frank the Tank, Nate

I mean this freakout was so great it got him onto baseball tonight. A very good rant about something we are all frustrated about. I think this is a pretty strong pick from Nate, who is building a solid draft. 

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 4: Nate (against YP), Chief

Very good video. It is so funny how uncoordinated the tackle is. It looks like two pregnant ladies trying to play football without hurting their baby. It is just a good video and a pretty good freakout. Whenever there is physical violence in a freakout, I think it is better. So this is a good one.

Grade: A

Round 3 Pick 5: Terry Collins, Dave

This is definitely the most famous, modern manager freakout. There is something to be said with these occurring every year, but this is one of the most famous ones. A very good freakout and one of the better sports ones to me. 

Grade: A

Round 4 Pick 1: Christian Bale, Dave

I think there are much better celebrity freakouts in my opinion. First, it isn't really on video which doesn't help and it isn't as well known. I think there are probably better celebrity ones.

Grade: B-

Round 4 Pick 2: CT vs Wes (The Challenge), Chief

So I didn't watch this, I don't exactly know the context, but it seems completely justified. This guy Wes was throwing his stuff out of their room, so CT got pissed. It is actually relatively tame for a freakout in my opinion, he barely raises his voice. A good pick but not a great one to me.

Grade: C

Round 4 Pick 3: Mike the Situation headbutt, Nate

Now this is a freakout. He is screaming, the whole place is trashed, and then he charges a wall and probably gives himself a concussion. This is just incredible value in the fourth round when you compare it to things drafted around it.

Grade: A+

Round 4 Pick 4: Stefan vs Irene, Carl

Again, another one I had not seen so when I heard he slapped her, I expected something crazy. But honestly, this is more funny than anything. That slap couldn't have hurt. I mean it's more crazy that he chased the car. A decent pick though.

Grade: B-

Round 4 Pick 5: CT vs Adam, Eddie

I've never seen the challenge, but this CT fella seems like a total psychopath. I mean he just straight up punches this dude and destroys the bed. Not cool, good freakout. 

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 1: Bacon Jalapeno Mac & Cheese, Eddie

As far as freakouts go, this is pretty tame ngl. It's just a lot of this kid being a shitty guy but it isn't like some crazy freakout like the rest of them. I also don't remember this video at all and I was certainly old enough to remember it. So I really don't think this is a great pick overall. 

Grade: C+

Round 5 Pick 2: You're not that guy pal, Carl

I don't really think this counts as a freakout. I mean this is a funny video but it certainly isn't a freakout. Am I the only one thinking this, he just isn't really freaking out, just being an asshole. Bad pick to round off a bad draft from Carl. 

Grade: D

Round 5 Pick 3: Mike Tyson Ear Bite, Nate

Yeah this is a pretty solid pick. I didn't immediately think of this when I thought of freakouts, but I think it is a decent pick. Biting someone's ear off definitely counts as a freakout to me. I don't particularly understand why they were thinking about vetoing. Good pick for me, but not incredible. 

Grade: B+

Round 5 Pick 4: I wanna shake your hand, Chief

Incredible airline freakout. It is just such a funny video and to me it is probably the one that is still the most relevant on this list. Just an all timer.

Grade: A

Round 5 Pick 5: Tyra Banks, Dave

Interesting pick. I wouldn't really call this a freakout, however I could be missing context. It just seems like she is getting angry, which is slightly different. The pick is ok, but not a great one. It also seems a bit forced, idk.

Grade: C+

This is a weird draft, overall it is very up and down. I think Eddie may have the best draft, however I think Dave could win due to the recency of the Rico Bosco pick.

Predicted Winner: Eddie

Predicted Loser: Carl


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